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Question of the Chapter: What was/is your favourite subject in school? Mine: Visual Art.

Trigger warning for mentions of bullying (no actual occurrences though).

University AU-

Dabi: 22
Shigaraki: 21

And that's it because they're the only ones who matter in this book. Enjoy!
Third Person POV
Dabi, the wielder of the blue flames, was someone any would advert their eyes from. Ever since his mid-teens, no one (people his age) could bare to look at him for longer than a few moments. 

Never was he considered handsome; he'd be lucky if he were even called alright-looking. In short, Dabi was bullied for his looks since he was fifteen after a fire took place. His face had only acquired two or three burns that left scarring. Only small bits of those scars were actually noticeable though; however, teenagers could be brutal, and would look for the smallest thing to make fun of another for.

A way he copes with his unfortunate life is his art. He was an excellent artist, considering he was a self trained one (Author: I feel that, being a self taught artist). He did many types of styles, used different medias and techniques, and is always willing to try anything new. He even got into a prestigious university that specialised in the arts and literature, and was in his third year.

On the other hand, Tomura Shigaraki, the one with hands of death, was actually admired for his scars. He attained them at a very young age, the circumstances unknown, making everyone think that he was very strong for managing to pull through the situation that caused the decade and a half old markings adorning his features.

He was considered a prince in his high school, all because of the strength no one knew he had. But also the reality that with a single touch of his hand, everything can turn to dust. He was also considered a prince for his unusual appearance. He was albino, making his skin and hair white, and his eyes red.

There was one issue though; he hated the prince title, plus the popularity he never understood. One would think he was an elaborate theatre kid, or a very sporty person. However, he was very into literature and music making.

That was what he and Dabi had bonded over when they met at their university. Their mutual love for the arts. They had known each other for two and a half years. Dabi thought Tomura was gorgeous and prince like, exactly how everyone perceived him, and 'Mura thought Dabi was also very beautiful, contrary to what other people thought. 

Unknown to one another, they both had developed a crush over the years, which soon formed to the emotion many yearned to experience for themselves, but also to give to others.


-Present Time-
Dabi POV
I loved him. 'Mura, I mean. Despite us going to the same school from the beginning of our high school years, we had never met until now. I was constantly avoiding everyone with success, he was avoiding everyone to no avail. 

But now that people were more mature in university, I wasn't too worried about bullying, so he and I finally became acquainted.

Most would think of him as this rich bitch, heartthrob type of guy. Yes, he was rich, extremely wealthy, and he was very good looking, though the common words to describe a good looking person weren't enough. But in reality, he was such a kind and amazing person. He was always willing to help anyone; buy food or drinks, help them study, give them a ride to wherever they were staying, make sure they could get all the good quality supplies they needed for their schooling, and help them get the best opportunities possible.

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