Interesting Situation

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AU: No quirks, no heroes or villains. Dabi and Shigaraki are normal civilians visiting Australia. 

Situation: Shigaraki had to go to the dentist due to pains in the back of his gums, they find his wisdom teeth are trying to grow through, however, his mouth has overcrowding with his teeth. So he has to get them removed surgically, and if you've seen how people are when they first get their wisdom teeth removed, then I think you know what to expect from this chapter. 

Potential Trigger Warnings:
Mentions of blood, 'drug use' (anaesthesia), a person/s being high, and if you have a fear of dentists, surgeries or anything else mentioned, then do not follow through with reading what lies ahead.

For those sticking around to read, please enjoy.

Shimura POV
Touya and I sat in the waiting room, waiting for my name to be called. 

My leg started bouncing with anxiety, my hands shook terribly, and I felt my whole body shaking and quivering. Touya noticed, and reached for my hand that was in my jacket pocket.

"Lovey, don't worry about a thing. I will be right here, and I'll take care of you." He gave me a gentle smile, trying to give me some encouragement. "How about I ask if I can come into the room with you?"

I nodded shakily, squeezing his hand so tightly that I could've probably cut off his blood circulation had he not counter-squeezed. 

"Tenko Shimura?" A lady walked to us with a clipboard. I raised my hand slightly, then went to stand up. "Twenty years old, birthday fourth of April 2009 (I don't know what year MHA is set in)? Coming in for wisdom teeth extraction and an oral x-ray?" 

"Yes. That's me." I answered, wiping my sweating hands on my clothes. 

"Please follow me to do the x-ray." She requested. "Your friend can come with us as well." 

We followed him to a room, and she gestured to the dental chair. She ticked a few things off his clipboard, then started grabbing these Styrofoam rolls, and these little black disc things. Then she set up this machine. I sat in the chair, leaning back in it as Dabi took a seat by my side.

"Everything will go alright, I'm right here." Touya whispered in my ear. 

Anxiety could've been my middle name with how much I felt it. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, and I could hear my own heartbeat in my ears.

"Hello Mr. Tenko, my name is Dr. *insert a name*, and before we begin removing your wisdom teeth, we just have to do an x-ray on your mouth to view the placement of your nerves so we can have a smooth, easy procedure. The x-rays won't hurt, they're very easy go through, and you'll be drugged for the surgery, so you won't feel a thing and you'll barely even be conscious. There will be some swelling, maybe a bit of bruising on your gums, your mouth will be numb for a bit, and after the effects of the anaesthesia wears off, you may experience some pain. After you leave today, no hard, hot, spicy or freezing cold food or drinks. Okay?" She explained to me, placing the rolls in the sides of my mouth.

I nodded, feeling a sense of comfort as I felt Dabi fiddling with my hair. He was always a calming person.

Miss doctor lady -I couldn't remember her name because of my anxiety- placed the discs against the insides of my cheeks, but so they were also against my teeth and gums. 

A few minutes later, she removed them, then guided me to the machine. I removed my piercings, handing them to Touya, then stood where I had to. In front of me was a metal tube with a small plastic bag type of thing on it. I followed her instructions, placing my mouth of the metal bit, and then the machine starting spinning around my head.

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