My Angel~

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AU: An angel/demon typa thing. Dabi is a demon, Shigaraki is a civilian.

Dabi is sent to watch over Shigaraki as there wasn't enough angels to guide him. He becomes infatuated with the pale man, and one day, he gets summoned by Shigaraki through a ritual he did just for fun. He never thought it'd work, but then there Dabi is, towering over him as a lanky, oversized demon.

Everyone gets a guardian as soon as they turn eighteen and become legally independent. The guardians are there in case of danger and can send very subtle hints to warm them of the danger, but can't fully stop them. They are still there for protection, but can't interfere.

The guardians are usually angels or fallen angels, and in very rare cases are demons or devils. The depending factors are the persons upbringing, past actions and future desires (like if they want to kill someone or something like that).

Ages and heights:
Dabi: Ageless, 6'5

Shigaraki: 18, 6'0

Other characters:
Toga: 18  5'7

Magne: 21  6'1

Jin: 19  5'9

Compress: 19  5'10

Oboro:  18  6'0 (Human, blue dyed hair, brown skin tone and hazel eyes)

Spinner:  19  5'8  (Human, his hair is dyed purple, he has a caramel skin tone and his eyes are green and brown)

Stain:  20   6'3

Kai:  18  5'9

Hari:  20   5'8

Eri:  2   3'2

Dabi POV
"Mr Dabi... you have been appointed to someone." The Master informed me, placing a crystal ball on his desk. "Your guidance is required to someone of the name Tomura Shigaraki. And here he is."

He waved his hands over the ball like a fortune teller, showing me the image of a lanky man with white hair, deathly pale skin, red eyes, and he seemed decently tall.

"Will I be going to him now?" I asked with a bored voice.

A grin spread on his face as he opened a portal. I stepped through, soon, standing as a ghostly and unseen figure in Tomura's home. He was making food for himself, but he seemed to suffer from some sort of health issue.

I went over, touching a finger to his shoulder to become aware of any dangers that were to come his way. In the coming month, he is to suffer a beating from a car hijack, and he'll end up in hospital for a day. But the most serious injury he'll accumulate is a broken ankle.

He was unaware, and very tired.

"Fuck..." he mumbled as he burned his hand. I noticed bruises going up his arm. "At least dad isn't here to beat me anymore. Should heal soon." He lifted his face, and I noticed something I didn't see before. Two scars rested on his face as well as multiple scratches.

Beatings huh? What a dreadful life. He seemed to be deep into thought, yawning from a possible all-nighter.

'What an interesting individual...' I thought to myself, watching as he sat on the couch.

"How sad... not even a happy birthday message from Hana. Or my mother. Officially on my own now..." he mumbled to himself before his weird device pinged next to him. "Huh, guess I spoke too soon. Himiko Toga..."

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