Un Homme Et Une Femme { Horace Somnusson}

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Short little...  kinda backstory thing? I guess? Idk I wanted to build on how Horace dresses so formally and have a little bit of reasoning behind it. Also the video is the song I was listening 2 on repeat while writing this!! so funzies!! //

There are rules when it comes to clothing.

Predictable, understandable, and permanent rules. 

Rules that state you can't wear casual attire to business meetings, or that orange and blue work well on paper but for the love of all things good in the world, do not pair them with a SUIT,  and that though gender doesn't particularly matter to fabric, certain things look better when you're going for a masculine look over a feminine. 

I've memorized all these rules and worked around a few more- a few I thought were stupid or just atrocious overall-, and I spend my time making and tailoring whatever I can get my hands on. Mostly for the children I live with. I've made a few rules for them as well!

Like Bronwyn and Emma both look brilliant in a suit, but Wyn needs something without easily ripping seams because she doesn't recognize her own strength at times. Claire adores ruffles and rose-gold, Olive likes something as light as she is, Enoch absolutely refuses to wear anything I make for him but powdered blue works best with his appearance AND it matches his eyes, Miss Peregrine likes Victorian styles and darker colors. Royal blue and black are my favorites to work with when I have her in mind. 

Clothing is a comfort. A consistency. Compared to my dreams, they mean what I say they mean, and follow the rules that are set for them. No end-of-the-world visions or apocalyptic prophecies ever came from a nicely made jacket. Nor did they come from a secret pocket inside said nicely made jacket.

I made most of my clothing, actually! Some were simply tailored or altered in some way, though others are hand made from rolls of cloth Miss. Peregrine got for me on her trips out. My personal favorite is a suit jacket I made over the course of a week. The damned thing gave me red fingertips for weeks— I did a lot of needlework— and I refuse to touch it in fear of getting it dirty, but it stays on one of the mannequin bodies I don't use anymore and blesses my bedroom with its presence. It's grey, I look best in grey, though you thought that up yourself and did NOT hear it from me, with silver detailing and these brilliant black buttons I had to spend ages waiting for.

I think it's brilliant, though Enoch says it looks "stupidly simple."

That boy wouldn't understand what good looks like if it hit him upside the head.

Personally, I find it brilliant. Such a tragedy it'll never leave this house, considering it doesn't make it to tomorrow morning. Loops, ruining my hard work all over again. Damned it all!

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