The Phantom { Enoch O'Connor x OC}

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A request! One I couldn't figure out an idea for for the longest time! But guess whos listening to the Phantom of the Opera like it's the only song ever
i've played piano literally twice and i've only seen a pipe organ so to any pianists- i am so sorry if i fucked up writing playing one :distrught:
Anywho!! Have this funky little request from @Doit4Johnny :) //

Dorian cracked their knuckles, stretching out their arms before them. 

The organ was an old thing, cobwebs spread across the pipes like some twisted art piece. The theater in itself was old, dating back to the late 1800s, meaning the whole damned place was caked with age. It even smelt old, as if these walls harbored secrets even death couldn't uncover.
And Dorian would know, considering death was mostly an inconvenience for their closest friends. 

Speaking of friends, one of them swung their legs back and forth on the music stand. A little thing built of old doll parts, it was small enough to hang out on Dorians shoulder when they were working on anything without bothering them. It's name was Opera, after the music they adored so much.

" What do you think, friend?" they asked Opera, flicking through the sheet music again. They had memorized most of it, but it was muscle memory to double check then check again. 
Opera cocked its head to the side and shrugged. Dorian had hoped it would do that, then picked it up by the back of it's shirt and dropped it on their shoulder.

" Ready?"

Opera nodded and held onto Dorian's hair.

Then they hit the first note. 

The sound echoed throughout the room, bouncing from the ceiling to the floor to their ears in beautiful symphony. Opera clapped on their shoulder, it's small doll hands making little sound in comparison to the droning organ. And on Dorian played, humming to themself as their hands danced across the keys. 

It was haunting, in a way. They didn't remember learning to play, not all the way anyways, yet it came as natural as breathing. It reminded them of a memory of hunger— experiencing it, they recognized it as it was, but without feeling those cold keys under their fingertips, they'd never know any better. 

Dorian finished the song with a long note, and held up their arms in celebration. Their hands were shaking, brimming with energy they didn't know they had. 

" That's noisy." A voice came from nearby, and they nearly jumped out of their skin. Dorian whipped around, and Enoch O'Connor— dead riser, annoying idiot supreme— waved halfheartedly. 

" Its a pipe organ. It's meant to be loud." Dorian said, with obvious sarcasm.

" Yeah, well, it's annoying."

" You're annoying."

" Touché." He stepped closer, picking Opera up off their shoulder and holding it up to his eye level. " Doll arms?"

" Easier than clay. Give it back, blondie, before I pummel you."

" Ouch, my pride! So cruel, Dorian Gray." 

" Oh, so you're literate now, are you?"

Enoch made a sour expression, and they laughed. " I'm kidding, deadriser."

" I figured. What were you playing?"

" Oh! Uhm—" Dorian gathered the sheet music and shoved it into the boys hands, pointing at the title. " The Phantom of the Opera. Cheesy and basic, I know, but I like it." 

" Sounds like something Horace would like."

" No. Oh, God, definitely not. I can't imagine him liking anything with so much focus on romance. It's hardly even romance! I mean, this dude literally kidnaps this random choir girl and people have the audacity to call it romantic, in retrospect there are romantic accepts but—"

" Yeah, I get it. Wasn't it a novel, though? How'd you get sheet music for a novel?" 

" It was made into a musical in 1986." Dorian took the music back, setting it in its proper place, then they swung their legs over the small seat and faced Enoch properly. " How the hell did you know it was a novel?"

" I read it when it came out. 1909, right? I was still in the London area around then, I think."

" Wow, you're old."

" I'm using your bones in my next project." Enoch shoved them over and sat beside them. Dorian made Opera tug on his hair in response, not that it bothered him. They weren't even sure he noticed. 

" Rude. My bones deserve better." 

" Incorrect. What else can you play, Phantom boy?"

Dorian shrugged. " Still trying to remember that much. I'm lucky I still drive, let alone understand sheet music."

" Yikes."

" That's an understatement. That memory guy in the Acre got little to nothing out of me. Everything is just kinda... blank, which is really annoying, because every time I do something I get this overwhelming sense of déjà vu, and its actually driving me crazy." Dorian placed Opera on their lap, fiddling with its arms with a heavy sigh. " I wish my brain would work."

" At least things feel familiar, I guess. Things do feel familiar for you, right?" Enoch nudged their shoulder.

" Yeah, but most of the time things feel alien. No wonder aliens never visited this planet, they'd probably end up more lost in translation that I am."

" It is getting better, though, yeah?"

" At times. Usually when you're bothering me halfway to hell."

" Call it revenge."

" Perish."

" No."

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