Therapy Sessions w/ Laurie { more headcanons + updated fcs !!}

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my brain refuses to enter creative writing mode :sobsob:
so here i am! with some more random headcanons! this time covering music tastes, body hcs (in moderation), and other assortments of random junk that happens to be bouncing around in my head at all times </3

Jacob Portman:

- since he's born on Halloween, it's his favorite holiday. Absolutely feral when October rolls around. Uncontrollable and lowkey scary.
- the og Ghostbusters is his favorite movie. he keeps comparing Millard to Egon and nearly having plates thrown at his head
- continued to collect vintage & peculiar photos later on, to such a point where he has multiple boxes absolutely packed with them. His goal is to eventually find each of the people pictured and befriend them.
- his music tastes consists of both old and new stuff. he manages to bounce from like... the Beatles to Woodkid with no warning.
- Fell in Love with a Girl by The White Stripes, Goodbye by Ramsey, Kiss of Life by Sade, Ur so Gay by Katy Perry... this boy is indecisive as indecisive gets and has absolutely no complaints so long as it's decent music
- not allowed to drive anymore cuz he got too into the music " ONE TIME-"
- he was a creepypasta kid. i don't think i need to say anything more on that
- he's a definite horror nerd!! maybe not so much in the movie scene cuz gore freaked him out as a kid but scary novels have him by the THROAT
- he has a big ass scar around his waist from that one time a hollow tried to eat him, and someone broke his nose once in the Acre so now it's a bit crooked.
- his social medias are all mirror selfies w/ concerning ass captions and blurry pictures of his friends
- bi as bi gets
- basically he's never made a decision in his life
- he used to play guitar. he was not very good at it. but he picked up drums around the time he was 13 and totally kicks ass at them
- says the most unhinged and mildly concerning stuff at the most inappropriate times ( ex. once he told Enoch to "get the bat" and Enoch stared at him for a solid minute before asking " what fuckin' bat.")
- also quotes like... clone high and vines with absolutely no warning. he could just be standing there and then he'll do the " the theme for this years awareness fair is... awareness" and anyone around him just kinda.... shifts away slowly....
- his style heavily depends on plain t-shirts and a jean jacket he thrifted with Noor and would die before he gave up for anything, he also owns a pair of beat up converse he's had to almost fight Millard for twice
- needs therapy. pretends he doesn't know what that is

Updated Faceclaim:
Théodore Pellerin

Updated Faceclaim:Théodore Pellerin

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