O Green World, Planet of Plenty { Fiona Frauenfield}

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inspired by O Green World by Gorillaz :)
vague spoilers for every book up to DoDA!!//

It was just like last time.
Except this time, it started in a hospital. 
Fiona wandered the halls, squinting in the bright florescent lights. Her mind felt scattered, as if it had broken on the stark white tiles and she had yet to find all the pieces. She dug through her memory for the third time in the hour, trying to find out exactly where she was.
She couldn't shake the feeling that she was in a dream. One of her friends used to have vivid dreams a lot. She could recall him talking about them. There was something special about his dreams.
Something was special about her too, but she couldn't seem to remember exactly what it was. How peculiar.
Slowly, she traced her fingers over the blank wall. She couldn't quite make them out, as if there was some kind of haze over her vision. Alarms went off in her mind, but she couldn't quite understand what the trigger was.
Something was wrong, something was terribly wrong. 
The hallway seemed to go on forever, blindingly white walls tearing at her vision. It made her spin. Maybe a little too much, because with each step the world seemed to move faster and faster and faster, until Fiona couldn't take it anymore and she collapsed against the wall. 
Too much.

" Fee?"

The voice was distant, and she jolted, peering between her long fingers down the hallway. It had yet to stop spinning. For a second, she thought she knew it's owner.
At the very end of the hall stood a boy, lanky and seemingly frozen in place. Fiona couldn't make out much of his features, but he seemed familiar. Perhaps she knew him?

" Fiona?!"

There it was again. Her name, said in a desperate tone. Someone had her by the shoulders, though she couldn't see anyone in front of her. Shaking her. Trying to wake her up.

" Fiona!"

She snapped awake, suddenly aware of how she couldn't breathe. Hugh was sitting up in bed, his hair a mess and his eyes wide with worry. He always did look a mess when he woke up. Bees bumped against the window, obviously locked out by their father figure in a hurry. They did tend to freak out when he did.
She batted his hands away, sitting up and wrapping her own arms around her torso. It all came flooding back- the wights, her tongue, the cliff. It was rather overwhelming to wake up to, honestly.
" Hey, Fee, talk to me, what's the matter, darling?" Hugh's hands had come to rest her back, gentle despite how she could tell he was shaking. Her voice caught in her throat, the words just beyond her reach, so instead she leaned into his chest and tried to focus on his heartbeat. 
He rubbed her arms, her back, whispered into her hair. 
Safe, she was safe.
Yet the hospital still loomed in a corner of her mind, demanding for her back. Like a mouth, aiming to swallow her whole.
It had already taken her voice. Her tongue. It just wanted the rest of her too.
Carefully, Fiona stretched out her fingers, searching for that familiar pressure deep in her palms. The creak of growth. The dim feeling of immortality that bloomed in her chest as her plants did.
It came, though briefly and it hardly had the same effect as it did in the past.
That place had made her weak.
She was a seedsprout, a chlorokinetic. She was rare and powerful and as infinite as life itself. She didn't do weak.
" You need to talk to me, sweetheart." Hugh whispered, his voice taut and stressed. His features looked sunken in the dim light, almost like a corpses. Fiona chided herself for the very thought of it.
She shook her head. 
" Don't talk, then. Show me. Please.
Fiona threw the covers off her legs, stood, and held her hand out to the love of her life. He wanted her to show him? Fine. She'd show him everything.

The Acre was quiet at night, abandoned save for the inconsistent way of life deeper in. Arenas and such hadn't been fully cleared out yet, and Fiona doubted the ymbrynes would every weed out every single one of them.
Hugh's hands were cold in her own, and every so often she'd look over her shoulder to make sure it was still him. Paranoia had wormed its way into her daily life, and she'd yet to pull it out all the way. Weeds. It was always weeds.
Eventually, the couple stood in front of the ruined bridge, overlooking a nasty canal and the remains of the wight facility on the other shore. The Hospital. An institution providing treatment for the sick, the injured, to those in need. 
A place where they stole humanity and wore wrap around sunglasses, where florescent lights lined endless staircases and men promised her she was safe.
A pile of rubble so thick and so heavy it might as well be a monument.
" You dream about this place?" Hugh asked, softly. 
Fiona nodded.
He turned to her, bees swirling around his face. " What did they do to you, my dear?"
She shook her head again. There weren't words to describe what those men thought was ethical, let alone humane, and the idea of saying any of it made bile boil in her throat.
For a moment, Hugh looked hurt. Then understanding, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and led her back to ditch house without another word. When she was ready, she knew he would listen.
After all, she finally had him back, and he wouldn't let her slip away from him again. Not without one hell of a fight. 
Hugh Apiston. Her lovely, endless Hugh Apiston. 
She pressed a kiss to his hand, and sent a silent prayer to whatever god had brought them back together. This loop had plenty of room for the both of them, as did the rest of the world.

Don't desert me now.

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