Loop Day!! {A/N}

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September 3rd, 2021 ( exactly 81 years after Miss. Peregrine made her funky little time loop :D)
This isn't a chapter! But happy loop day, friends and foes!! Today was brilliant for me, mainly because I had that thought of "ohhohoh favorite series date!! ohh!!" in my head all day, but also because I aced a psyche quiz I was sure I was gonna fail!! So woo!!
I thought I'd just give you all a general outlook of upcoming chapters, since I don't have the time to write a full one today :) Most of the titles might be subject to change, though some may just... remain!! Some might also get scrapped!! You can also use this chapter in particular for requests, should you have any!!
Upcoming/WIP chapters:

SCREAM! { Modern AU! Enoch O'Connor x Reader} ( I might wait to publish this one until around Halloween lolz)

Fireworks { Jacob Portman}

The Reaper & The Bard { Enoch O'Connor x Reader}

Tear You Apart { Enoch O'Connor}

REBEL GIRL! { Emma Bloom}

Missing Posters { Millard Nullings}

O Green World, Planet Of Plenty { Fiona Frauenfield}

Smokey Eyes { Althea Grimmelwald}

A currently untitled Slumber Party chapter w/ all of the girls ( Emma, Bronwyn, Claire, Olive, Fiona, and Noor)

Maybe a ghostbusters chapter? also set to be released around Halloween, if I don't scrap it

And possibly a second headcanon chapter!! Because those are always fun!! 

love you dearly <3
- Cas

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