stuff n things

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i am so sorry for literally doing nothing i said i would, i spent the entirety of my spring break on mars apparently ( plus mental health junk + lost two of my cats but its ok + exams r literally THIS WEEK??) but it's cool! it's rad!! because i have things

Thing 1- Supernatural-ish AU

not like the show, though i have been tempted to make adult Jacob a hunter for the fun of it. he'd cry when he saw a djinn or something but i think he could manage. he could not manage in reality but we'll pretend <3
this is!!! basically a monster AU i made while likely delirious as delirious gets, for funzies and also cuz mythological creatures are so so so cool

Bronwyn Bruntley— Giantess
i feel like this is self-explanatory but nevertheless. Wyn is a very gentle-natured character with a heart of solid gold. so her being a giantess would give her both the gentle giant trope wrapped with a bow, but also cater into my personal headcanon her being taller than anyone should ever be allowed to be. i'm thinking specifically Skyrim giants as a reference, as in kind eyes and rough hands and an impenetrable silence, over Norse giants, who are pretty much harbingers of chaos. Bronwyn would cry if she saw a Norse giant.

Enoch O'Connor— Zombie
the boy already looks dead, let's be honest. plus him being a zombie would justify his massive organ collection!! because normal people do not have picked livers just hanging out in their basement ( and if you do i am scared of you and also very intrigued as to why you have them there in the first place). i don't have any specific zombie type in mind— the walking dead zombies are all rotted and cannibalistic, and i don't think Enoch would exactly fall under the human-flesh-enjoyer category of character... the last of us zombies/infected are hella cool but also scare me half to death and i refuse to think of this 5'4 ankle biter as scary in any way shape or form. he's been zombiefied <3 ( maybe he could be a draugr... he could pull it off probably. and also pull off a limb)

Millard Nullings— Poltergeist
menace activities. he deserves to have some menace activity time. for funzies! i don't really have much reasoning for him being a ghost, he's not really dead he's just really really bored all the time. love this dude !

Fiona Frauenfeld— Landvættir
norse forest spirit!! i am such a sucker for norse mythology and i don't think i've screamed it from the rooftops loud enough so hello i love it sm. landvættir are also sometimes considered spirits of the dead, and considering Fee has her entire life thing going for her, i think it would be an interesting contrast for a death spirit to be able to grow things. landvættir also have to do with safety and the fertility of soil and junk, so it fits her pretty well!! plus they're this big nature covered dudes i love em

Emma Bloom— fire sprite
like Calcifer from howl's moving castle. that's Emma. i think this one is pretty self-explanatory too, since Calcifer and Emma both have the hot, stubborn temper and they're associated with fire. Calcifer is literally fire himself but we're going to ignore that and just hope the house doesn't burn down while we do.
also Emma bursting into flames is a really funny image. she's just fine and pissed don't worry

Hugh Apiston— Faun
the nature dude himself. i was gonna make him the landvættir at first but there was something very very entertaining about goat legs when i was drafting this so we're just gonna go with it. he was also a satyr for a hot minute but he could not pull off horse ears and a tail. he just couldn't. fauns are symbols of peace and stuff!! so they fit him!! ignoring that one time he tried to fight a child in a subway but whateevverrr

Jacob Portman— Golem
this one. this one is my favorite. golems are prominent in jewish folklore and i honestly think they're some of the coolest little guys ever. i had an entire backstory idea for it too holdonholdon
okay so we all know abe portman was jewish right? this has been covered right? he's jewish. so let's say his son and his wife never ended up having a son, or they tried and couldn't have a son, one way or another jacob was never born. so to comfort his son, abe made a clay golem in the shape of himself at a young age ( also plays into the fact that jacob's described as looking like his grandfather like seven different times) and gifts it to his son. this golem was also given a piece of abes second soul, bringing it to life without the usual rituals and incantations.
and so, jacob portman was born, and now we literally cannot get rid of his dumbass. he's a permanent condition. and we love him for it.
plus golems were typically helpers, companions, and saviors. jacob is all three to the kids!!

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