So I Rewrote the Power System

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so. friends, foes, ghosts and corpses and other beings of unspecified origins. I am officially stuck.
I'm trying to work on chapters!! I am!! but ohmg I cannot seem to figure out where I'm going w/ them and I'm pretty sure i was half asleep while writing the first drafts so they make zero sense I am so sorry
but. nevertheless I'm not here to bitch about my illiteracy. i rewrote the peculiar power system cuz it felt like the thing to do at four in the morning when i couldn't fall back asleep!
It's broken down like this (plz ignore how messy my lines are it is like 6 in the morning):

 i rewrote the peculiar power system cuz it felt like the thing to do at four in the morning when i couldn't fall back asleep!It's broken down like this (plz ignore how messy my lines are it is like 6 in the morning):

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Controlled and Uncontrolled peculiarities are the two main categories- mainly referring to those who can actively use their peculiarity by will, and those who have constantly active or inactive peculiarities. Controlled is broken down lower into Summoners and Manipulators. Summoners, as the name suggests, can call upon their ability at will at any time, with exceptions based on physical and mental state- aspects that would block or affect a peculiarity anyways. Emma and Althea would fall under this umbrella.
Manipulators are those who can alter the environment around them rather than take their power from an internal source. It's broken down into two smaller categories. Theoretical Manipulators refer mostly to ymbrynes with their ability to loop time, though it applies to any peculiar able to change any metaphysical thing ( Space, Time, Probability, etc.). Atomical Manipulators can quite literally change the way atoms or cells preform, on varying levels. Enoch ( He revives cells, not corpses, hence why he can make homunculi and bring them to life with ease. He could fall under Summoners, too, as he "summons" life, so to speak), Noor ( she manipulates light waves, not atoms or cells, but the idea is there), and Fiona fall under this category. It also includes peculiars able to change their appearance or the apparence of others at will. 

Uncontrolled refers to those who cant, under any circumstances, control their peculiarity. It doesn't mean their peculiarity is completely out of hand, rather it means that ones peculiarity is a consistent or permanent part of themselves, unless something extremely invasive is done (coughcough the removal of the second soul). Physical peculiarities usually fall under this branch, such as Bronwyn strength or Claire's backmouth. It's broken down into Triggered and Passive. Passive refers to constant peculiarities, like Olives anti-gravity streak or Hughs bees. Triggered refers to those who need certain stimuli for their peculiarities to work properly. A lot of people are born peculiar, just with Uncontrolled Triggered abilities, and never get exposed to the stimuli needed to "wake" their peculiarity up. Triggered can also be broken down into Intentional and Unintentional. Intentional refers to knowing ones triggers or peculiarity and using them to make proper use of their peculiarity, such as teleporters and the duolocation devices they're given (mainly so they don't launch themselves into space by accident. It's happened. It was not fun.). That object would be made by Atomical Manipulators!! Mind readers fall under this umbrella, but mind manipulators fall under Controlled Theoretical Manipulators (metaphysics, again.).
Unintentional peculiarities don't have specific or constant triggers, meaning they can't be purposely set off. Most prophets fall under this category. Horace is one of them! 

It's mildly inspired by the power system w/ Grisha in The Grishaverse, since I'm currently reading them and I thought it was super cool so-

Where the kids fall, overall;
Jacob: Uncontrolled Triggered ( The trigger is a hollowghast being nearby, hollowspeak comes as a secondhand reaction)
Emma: Controlled Summoner
Hugh: Uncontrolled Unintentional Triggered ( he ate bees you cannot tell me he woke up and decided he wanted to eat bees)
Fiona: Controlled Atomical Manipulator
Enoch: Controlled Atomical Manipulator/ Controlled Summoner
Claire: Uncontrolled Passive
Olive: Uncontrolled Passive
Horace: Uncontrolled Unintentional Triggered
Bronwyn: Uncontrolled Passive
Millard: Uncontrolled Passive
Noor: Controlled Manipulation (of specifically the visible light spectrum)

Obviously this is just a thought out headcanon, and the power system in the books is vastly unexplained- the most we know is that there's some form of hierarchy, Ymbrynes at the top and the rest of Peculiardom falling in place beneath them. I might build on this idea in the future, or I might abandon it completely, who knows! 
But for now, please regard this chapter as a placeholder, and have a delightful 24 hours :)

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