Chapter 14: Truth Or Dare?

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C H A P T E R  1 4 :  T R U T H   O R   D A R E :

"The smell of her hair, the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her skin seemed to have gotten inside him. Or into the air all around him. She had become a physical necessity."

-George Orwell


It's been a week since we went to the arcade

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It's been a week since we went to the arcade. Nothing has really changed, on the bright side I haven't missed a single class since that day. Which I'm really proud of.

Speaking of bright sides, it's almost Christmas break! Which is great because I really do need a break from all these assignments and lectures.

Well technically winter break is now, since I just got back from my last day before break. I had lectures all day, and I can barely move right now.

I just want to take a hot shower and go to sleep.

My eyes close shut as sleep starts to take over slowly. 

That is until someone bursts through my door and starts screaming.

Alice and Lizzy.

I wanna die.

"AMBER GUESS WHAT? THERE'S A BONFIRE TODAY AND YOU HAVE TO COME." Alice screams, pulling my arm and making me stand up.

"Bro let the girl sleep." Lizzy says

"Thank you." I say drowsily.

"No. Amber, we need to start getting ready!!" Alice says.

Oh god help me.

"Fine." I say grabbing my phone and walking downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Lizzy asks laughing.

"Coffee." I say going downstairs barefoot.

I close my eyes as I'm that tired, and can barely open them. And I walk to the in campus coffee shop.

I walk down the stairs, with my eyes closed because I'm THAT tired.

I take another step but feel myself missing the step and falling. That is until a pair of arms catch me.

I should make a world record book on how many times people have caught me from falling.

I opened my eyes, flinching since I just felt myself falling.

"Careful there, sweetheart." I hear a man's voice say. He's tall, and is covered in tattoos. I mean everywhere.

Including his face.

He has a lip piercing and a nose one, and almost his whole face is tattooed along with his chest and arms.

"Oh uh thanks, I'm sorry," I backed away. Now wide awake.

"Don't thank me." He says smirking before walking away.

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