Chapter 12: Fake Smiles

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C H A P T E R  1 2 : F A K E  S M I L E S :

"She moved on, and I feel sorry for you, because she thought you were the most amazing boy ever. If she could have any guy in the world, she still would have picked you. Now, you're just another part of her past, a memory more faded each day. And someday, she'll find the one she deserves, and he will make her the happiest girl in the world."

I wake up to loud noises coming from downstairs

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I wake up to loud noises coming from downstairs. I immediately try to get up, forgetting the arm wrapped around my waist.

I try to slip out of bed but he just pulls me closer, I eventually give up.

His hair looks so damn "playable" I'm so tempted to run my fingers through it. His dark curls, so visible.

His face, so rested and peaceful. Something you don't get to see very often.

His eyes are closed shut as his face rests on my chest.

The last time I cuddled with a guy was so long ago, my ex; Colton wasn't really into cuddling. He thought it made him soft. Thinking back on it, he really only wanted one thing from me.

And I'm so beyond thankful and proud of myself for not giving it to him.

It's funny because I trust this guy I met 2 months ago more than I trust the guy I grew up with and dated for like 7 years.

I really need to stop whatever "feeling thing" I got going on with Jayden. We both know it isn't going anywhere.

We're far too different for our own good.

Oh heck no! What time is it? I had freaking classes!

I immediately panic and look at the alarm clock which says the current time, on his side table.. It's 1 in the afternoon. I've missed all of my classes. I jump out of bed and look around for my phone.

He groanes, annoyedly.

"Jayden wake up, we missed all our classes." I scream.

"If we missed them, why would I get up?" He says pulling the covers over his face.

"Oh my god, I barely started college and I've already missed so many classes. All because of YOU!" I yell at him, walking closer.

"Shut up." He says pulling on my wrist, so I land on him.

"Seriously!?" I yell.

"Go back to sleep." He says nuzzling his face in my neck.

"No! I need to go to college! God will they call my parents!? Oh my god!" I scream in panic.

"You're 18, they're not gonna call your parents, chill out."

Hey Jayden, pro life tip: don't ever tell a girl to "chill out"

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