Chapter 46: Overprotective

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*perfect song for this chapter lol😭*

C H A P T E R 4 6 : O V E R P R O T E C T I V E :

"It's so attractive when someone is all about you and isn't afraid to show it."


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"Jayden, seriously you can go home. I'm not gonna die in an hour." I try to reason with my extremely stubborn boyfriend.

We've been in the hospital for 3 days now.

It wasn't supposed to be this long but my parents paid the hospital to... to basically act like I'm the president.

"Yeah she's right, you get some shit done. I'll stay here with her." Aurora says, walking in with coffee.

"She can't have coffee." Jayden tells her.

I frown.

I swear I'll kill anyone who tries to take away my coffee.

"Says who?" Aurora argues

"The doctors." Jayden answers.

"I don't give a fuck. My dad said it's fine and he's the world's best neurosurgeon, FYI. So please, go do something. She'll be fine." Aurora says.

"Fine." Jayden says, leaning over and hugging me.

"I love you." I say, kissing him.

"I love you too." He mumbles.

"Ew." Aurora whispers.

"Call me." He reminds

"Yeah yeah now go." I smile.

"Fine, please don't do something stupid." He says, turning to Aurora.

"Child please, I'm a pro at babysitting my sister." Aurora says, sarcastically.

Jayden walks out.

"Here's your coffee!!" Aurora hands me an iced coffee.

"Thank you so much." I say, graciously.

"He is so annoying sometimes." Aurora says.

"Yeah but I love him."

"Oh yeah? Couldn't tell." She says, sarcastically.

We talk for a couple of minutes, about an hour later someone walks in the room.

It's Jordan.

"Hey." I say.

"Jayden's making me babysit you, why is she here?" He asks, pointing to my sister.

"Bitch I'm the sister, you're the stranger." Aurora snaps.

"The stranger is the reason your sister is Alive right now." Jordan says.

"Amber tell him to leave." Aurora says, staring at me.

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