Chapter 25: Dimples

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Christmas Eve

C H A P T E R  2 5 :  D I M P L E S :

"He smiled. And all I could think was 'Oh Shit'."



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"There's no way out of here." I say, breathlessly.

"There's barely any fucking signal out here." Jayden says angrily.

"We are in the woods." I remind him subtly.

"Yeah amb, no shit." He sighs.

For the first time in my life, I decided to dress warm.

Best. Decision. Ever.

"We have to keep moving." He says helping me up.

"I'm tired." I complain.

"That's too bad."

I roll my eyes as we continue walking through these deep snowy woods. I can barely feel my feet at this point.

"We've been out here for a whole day. Your family should notice by now."

"They won't. We've technically only been lost for like 3 hours. Apart from that, we were safe with everyone else." I say, quietly.

"Then we're fucked." He says, walking faster.


"Ok guys, I got the damn tents." Justin says, throwing the tents on the floor, breathlessly.

"Why are we doing this, again?" Alice asks, sceptically

"Because camping sounds fun, Alice. Lighten up!" Lizzy says, excitedly.

"Ok so that means we sleep here? Why don't we just hang out and go to sleep in the comfy bed with the heating on?" Alice whines.

"Sweetheart, The point of camping is to sleep in the woods." Hunter answers.

"I knew that." Alice says, sarcastically.

"I'm leaving. You guys have fun in the ice age." Jordan says walking away.

"Jordan, stop being a buzzkill and get your ass back here!" Lizzy yells.

"If you guys think, you can make me sleep in this." He says pointing to the tent. "You're fucking crazy." He says, walking away.

"Yeah I agree, I'm leaving. JORDAN WAIT FOR ME!! I DON'T WANNA GET KILLED BY A POLAR BEAR BY MYSELF!" Alice yells before following Jordan back.

"There's no polar bears here..?" Aurora mumbles, confused.

"I was a Boy Scout, I can do this shit in my sleep." Xavier smirks, proudly.

"Ok now who knows how to make a fire?" Colton asks.

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