Chapter 26: Hubby

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Day 6
*Lost in the woods on Christmas Eve*

C H A P T E R 2 6 : H U B B Y :

"You found parts of me I didn't know existed and in you I found a love I no longer believed was real."



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It's such an interesting word.

You love a lot of people in your life. But I think you fall in love only once. See you start off with loving; your parents, your siblings, family members, pets, friends and so on. And then you fall in love with a special someone.

Or you think you're in love with that special someone.

You feel attracted to him. There's the innocent flirty stage. The 'oh he snapped me back' stage. The, staying up all night on FaceTime. The cute dates. The, wearing his jersey and cheering for him when he plays football.

The Sparks when he first kisses you.

When he asks you to be his girlfriend.

And then, you feel like your life is complete. Like you've met the one. The boy who gives you butterflies. The boy who makes you nervous, in a good way. The boy who you love.

Until he's not.

Then... he cheats on you and breaks every promise he ever made.


And then it's so hard to remain optimistic. It's so hard to believe that love out there exists for you. Because, you already fell in love once, right?

Well this is what I do: "He never loved you if he cheated on you" if you think about it that way, it helps you be hopeful and realize that what you had with him wasn't actually love.

But it's so hard when he doesn't even care about what he did to you.

And constantly blames you.

Now. It's Christmas Eve and we're stuck in the middle of these woods. And the only thing I can think about is all my trauma.

I just love my brain sometimes!

My thoughts get interrupted by Jayden snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Amber?" He says in a loud tone. Indicating that it wasn't the first time he was trying to get my attention.

"What?" I flinch out of my thoughts.

"We have to hurry." He says.

"It's literally." I fetch my phone to check the time. "6:00 in the morning. I don't have the energy for this." I groan.

"And I don't have the energy to die in these woods." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

We fell asleep under this tree after we managed to make a fire last night.

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