Chapter 32: Distant

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C H A P T E R   3 2 :  D I S T A N T :

"Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much, you can finally say. "I'm used to it."


It has officially been the worst 24 fucking hours of my life

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It has officially been the worst 24 fucking hours of my life.

It takes so much self control to not track Amber's location and fucking kidnap her.

Lizzy thankfully didn't have any internal injuries, Alice won't stop fucking blaming me for Amber ignoring both Lizzy and Alice's calls.

Staring up at the ceiling in your room really helps.

That is until Alice runs into my room, with a shocked look on her face.

"Oh my god." She says, holding her phone up to my face.

I give her a questioning look before finally looking at what she's trying to show me.

It's a picture of a guy, shirtless. Next to her is.. Amber. Taking the fucking picture. My jaw clenches, as I try not to throw my sister's phone across the room. It looks like they're at a gym, she's barely in the picture but he's plastered right in the middle. His obvious flexing almost makes me laugh. Almost, until I remember how Amber is actually willingly hanging out with him right now.

"That's Jaden." Alice finally says.

"No shit. I can read." I say, rolling my eyes.

"As in the guy who moved across from our dorm." She adds.

"Thank you for that information." I say, sarcastically.

"Jayden you have to get your girl back." She says, sitting on my bed.

I ignore her as my mind goes back to that fucking picture.

I wanna kill him and I don't even know him.

"Me and Lizzy are gonna go try to talk to her. Can you come?" She asks.

"No." I grab my phone. "I have a meeting, and I need to figure out Shawn's situation."

She nods, leaving my room.

Now who's this Jaden kid?


"Fucking hell he's good at hockey." Xavier says, showing me a video of him playing.

I glare at him.

The guys find information on 'Jaden'

I didn't ask them to. If I wanted I could find everything from his mothers' favorite color to why the fuck he's near Amber. But I'm gonna try to respect that Amber wants space. But apparently my friends are curious as well.

"Bro- he's a fucking hockey legend." Xavier dramatically says.

"I don't fucking care."

"Shit. Sorry. Uh? You could totally beat him up in a fight. I'm just not so sure about the ice..." Xavier starts.

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