Chapter 55: Future

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"Somewhere here is a past you overflowing with so much pride looking at how far you've come."



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2 months later...

"Aurora wake up." I sob looking at her lifeless body

I don't even know what she's on. Let alone how to help her.

I hear someone run through the front door and I'm praying it's Zion. I mean I did call him.

"Zion?" My voice cracks

"Mhm." He mumbles rushing over.

I sigh, relieved. But still not relieved.

"She..." I sob

"It's gonna be okay, Amber." He says, picking Aurora up and putting her to her side.

"How do you- what is she on Zion?" I manage to choke out a sentence.

"You called 911, right?" He ignores my question.

"Of course." I cry.

"Amber. Breathe. You're okay." He says, pulling me to his chest.

I wake up confused until I look at my surroundings. It's 4 am, Jayden's arm is draped around my waist as he sleeps peacefully.


I slowly remove his hand and get up.

I tie my hair up and walk downstairs. It's quiet and dark, normal people aren't awake this early.

Maybe Ace is, but that's only because that guy isn't normal.

I go in the fridge and grab a water bottle, after drinking it way too quickly I walk into the living room.

Is that someone on the couch?

"Amber don't scream." A voice I recognize says.

"Hunter? It's like 4 am. What the hell?" I laugh sitting down next to him.

His brown hair is messy, he's wearing a T-shirt which really shows his tattoos.

"What are you doing up, anyways. You don't wake up till like 3 pm." He jokes.

"Nightmare." I shrug.

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." I say, honestly.

"Why are you up?" I ask

"I don't know. Bored, I guess." He avoids.

Ok. I guess we all have our secrets.

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