Chapter 29: Booty Call

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C H A P T E R 2 9 : B O O T Y C A L L :

"I miss you the most at night. When everything is quiet and the silence reminds me that I'm not sleeping next to you."


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing.

I subconsciously grab my phone very quickly, trying to not wake my roommates up. Without even looking at the caller ID I accept the call, and pull the phone to my ear.

I'm still half asleep for god's sake.

"Hello?" I say, sleepily.

"Are you seriously asleep?" A very familiar voice says through the phone.

Freaking Jayden.

"No, I'm just practicing for my funeral." I say, sarcastically.

"Well then, practice some other time. I'm outside campus. Meet me outside." He demands.

Is this man for real?

"Jayden it's.." I open an eye to look at my glowing alarm clock. "2 in the morning." I groan.

"Oh really? Damn, congratulations! You can really tell time." He says sarcastically.

"Jayden, I'm not your booty call." I say quietly, trying to be a good roommate.

"I know, I already have enough booty calls."

"I'm really about to hang up on you right now." I say, angrily.

"Get up and meet me downstairs. Like right now." He says through the phone.

I sigh, annoyed. "Fine." I say, rolling my eyes before hanging up on him.

This guy is so damn unpredictable.

I get up, my eyes refuse to open and my body refuses to function. I grab my coat, my phone, my wallet and throw on some fluffy bedroom slippers. After putting on my coat I slowly open the door to the dorm, twisting the lock to make sure it's locked when I leave.

The hallways are as quiet as it gets. Which is shocking because... this is NYU.

I'm still pretty much asleep as I walk downstairs. I swipe my ID at the door, unlocking it as I'm met with cool winter air.

"Took you long enough." Jayden says, walking over to me.

"I'm so freaking tired Jayden. This better be important." I say in a serious tone.

"Come on." He says, unlocking his car and opening the door for me.

I get in the passenger's seat as he walks around to the driver's.

"Put on your seatbelt." He says.

"You put on yours too." I say grabbing mine.

He sighs, rolling his eyes before putting his seatbelt on just like me.

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