Chapter 38: Masquerade Ball

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C H A P T E R   3 8 :  M A S Q U E R A D E   
B A L L :

"She wasn't exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard and she could only pray he was feeling the same way."

-Nicholas Sparks


"Do you hear that?" I whisper dramatically to a very asleep Jayden

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"Do you hear that?" I whisper dramatically to a very asleep Jayden.

I lean over Jayden, whose head is on my chest and grab my phone from the nightstand.

Apparently it's 5 in the morning.

"Jayden. Someone's downstairs." I say, attempting to wake him up.

He doesn't budge.

I move his arms from around my waist and slowly get off the bed and walk out of his room.

The sound of 3 knocks startled me as goosebumps formed on my bare arms.

Who the hell is outside at 5 in the morning?

Xavier and Lizzy are in Atlanta, Hunter and Jordan are home along with Alice. Besides, they have a key so they wouldn't need to knock to get in.

I hear another knock on the main door, I'm still in the upstairs hallway as fear takes over.

Just then, someone's room door opens. I look over and see Hunter. I walk over almost immediately.

"Did you hear that?" I whisper.

"The knocking? Yes. Who the fuck is that?" He responds.

"I don't know." I shrug.

The knocking continues as Hunter walks downstairs very fearlessly.

"Dude get a vase or something! What if it's a serial killer!?" I whisper, following him down the stairs.

"Then we'll give him Jordan's number." He says, sarcastically before opening the door.

I quickly grab a cushion for self defense since Hunter has his big boy pants on today, and feels like welcoming a serial killer into this house.

"Hi! Woah... uh I was looking for Jordan. Is this the right house? I'm sorry uh.."

We both listen to a brunette girl ramble nervously. She looks like she's around 5'7, she has wavy brunette hair and tan skin.

"You have the right house. Who are you again?" Hunter interrupts.

"Oh, I'm Makayla! I'm Jordan's- well no one but uhm I know him. I'm his date to the ball. And I know that's today, he hasn't been answering my texts so I was just a little confused but you know..." she rambles.

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