Chapter 52: Unexpected Guests

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C H A P T E R   5 2 :  U N E X P E C T E D  
G U E S T S  :

"I am the fire that lights the stars, and you my love are my universe."

-Christy Ann Martine


"Jayden, I want to go to the beach

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"Jayden, I want to go to the beach. It's so pretty out." I say, standing at the glass door and looking out at the starry night.

"It's 3 in the morning." He says in an obvious tone.

"Yeah and? You're awake now aren't you?" I argue.

"How can I say no to you?" He mumbles, getting out of bed.

"See that's why I love you!!" I say cheerfully before, grabbing one of his hoodies and throwing it over my crop top and shorts.

What's the point of a private beach if you don't use it at odd hours like this?

We've been here for about a week, and I loved every second of it.

I'm not ready to leave this paradise and go back to normal life.

But I miss everyone, so it evens out the feeling.

"Come on." Jayden says, grabbing my hand as we walk out.

The air is a bit chilly but I wouldn't consider it anywhere near cold. I grew up in Detroit, and live in New York. The cold isn't necessarily a new thing. And 60 degrees in this gorgeous place? Yeah, that's summer.

"I wanna stay here forever." I whisper, wrapping my arms around his.

"I thought you were homesick yesterday?" He chuckles.

"I guess I'm both." I shrug.

"How's the tattoo?"

"I don't know how to explain the feeling. I don't regret it if that's what you're asking." I laugh.

"That's good." He replies as we reach the beach.

The waves are crashing against the sand, the moon is fully out. Bright stars cover the entire sky, and the view is overall breathtaking.

"Let's go." I grab Jayden's hand and run towards the sand.

He follows as I sit on the sand closer to the waves. "C'mere don't be shy." I joke, pulling his arm along.

"What are we doing?" He asks, curiously.

"Stargazing." I say, laying down flat on the sand.

"So staring at the stupid sky?" He asks, laying down next to me.

"Uh no. It's actually very stress relieving." I say, laying my head on his chest.

I'm not putting my hair in the sand.

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