beyond the limit

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"Do you still want to go on?"

If it means leaving everything behind
Maybe I can finally be happy..

"Yes i do"


"Your request will be granted. Everything will settle once you reach. However after that you are on your own."

This is insane. There is no way i can shift. Im real right?

"Are you ready to make your travel?"

Gulp. Now or never



What is going on? I feel like im falling.

You squeeze your eyes shut as you make your ungraceful decent

"Oof-" As you tumbled onto the ground. Your eyes shot open. Where am i? You stood up to oberve your surroundings. "Bye Tanjirou!" You snap your attention towards the direction of the voice. I see, im at the beggining of the anime. When his family died. You felt your heart sink when you realize what was going to happen. Should i stop him from leaving?

"Do not interfere with the story line of the world." You remembered the voice say. Right. Without this part tanjirou wouldnt have joined the corps.
Speaking of the corps..what am i wearing? You gazed down at your body to see the corps uniform. The dark fabric hugged your body nicely as your skirt/pants(you can choose) framed your hips perfectly.

Well thats weird. Wait- You pulled out a sword that came with your uniform. A sword? But i don't even have a breath style. You tried waving your sword around wondering how you could use it. Now that you think about it..

You looked down at your hand. Your clothes, your hands and even your legs. Its like you were part of the animation. Well thats bound to happen since im here. Js then you heard a sound. What the heck? Micheal Jackson? Oh about to witness a murder- gotta go

You turned on your heel and ran off before witnessing what was going to happen. After running for a while you finally stopped. Wait where am i? uh-
Maybe i didnt think this through enough. Well its a bit too late anyway. Feeling tired, you decided to plonk yourself under a tree for a while. Suddenly, you felt a chill. Right it was snowing in the begining. I don't have a coat either. Maybe i can start a fire, theres a lot of trees anyway. You stood up slowly and tried to find your way through the dark.

"That should be enough wood. Maybe i can find something to eat too.." You started the fire and warmed yourself. Suddenly, you felt a chill go down your spine. Im being watched. Fear took over you as you looked around. Im too far from tanjirous house for it to be giyuu. It can't be tanjirou either hes with that man further down. If its not them then.. You pulled out your sword. Im not sure how to use it but its my best shot right now.

You treaded lightly against the freezing snow, clutching your sword with both hands. Cold sweat trickeld down your temple despite the chilly weather. Before you could see it, a demon pounced at you. Just as it was about to reach you, almost on instinct,
"Shadow breathing,2nd form: Shadow cut." With a slash the demons head rolled across the snow, blood staining the pure shade of white. You blinked as if waking up from a trance.What just happened?

Surprise you do have a breathing style:) its called shadow breathing.
Anyway here are your forms:3

1st form: 8 claw slash
- 8 continuous slahes on target to weaken or kill them

2nd form: shadow cut
- a horizontal slash on target.

3rd form: black out
- blacks out target before killing them.
- a more gentle way of killing

4th form: shadow disguise
-allows user to turn into a shadow for 10sec

5th form: arrow
- turns shadows into small arrows to stab the target

6th form: dark portal
-allows user to teleport but only in shadows, most effective at night

7th form: shadow cast
- allows user to partially blind target followed by a quick slash


Hey so i hoped u like this chapter:)
I made this one longer with 600+ words excluding this a/n

Also, you will probably meet giyuu in the
next chapter:)

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