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Ok but like the baby pillars thoo🤧


You blinked as if waking up from a trance. What just happened?


So i do have a breath style. Thats good i can at least protect my self now

Despite the tiredness you felt, you decided to stay up for the rest of the night. However, after a while, you felt staying up has taken a toll on you. With your eyelids feeling like lead, you decided to walk around to wake yourself up. "I wonder what time it is now." You muttered as you glanced up at the sky. A pale purple stretched out above you, with small clouds dotting the sky.

Its about 6am i think. Dawn is going to break soon.

After awhile, you caught a glimpse of the sun peeking over the mountain."I guess i can start moving now.." You said. You tried to get up but your body was still tired from the night before.

Before you knew it, you fell into a dreamless sleep.


"PLEASE DON'T KILL HER!" Your eyes shot open upon hearing the commotion happening in the distance. Whats going on? You stood up groggily, your eyes half closed. As you walked closer, you could just make out a mismatched haori. Giyuu. Just as Giyuu pulled out his sword to stab nezuko, you yelled out," DONT HURT HER PLEASE SHE HASNT DONE ANYTHING!"

What am i doing?

"COULD YOU TRY TO AT LEAST LISTEN TO HIM?" The words slipped out of your mouth before you knew it. You couldnt bear to see nezuko being stabbed again.

Why am i saying this? I shouldnt interfere..

Giyuu stared at you with cold hard eyes. "She is a man eating demon. Wheather she has done anything or not doesnt matter. She is still dangerous-"

He was interrupted as tanjirou came charging at him. Giyuu used the back of his sword to hit the back of  tanjirous head. The boy immediately fell to the ground knocked out.

°•Giyuu's pov•°

Wait something's not right. Where's his axe?

Before i knew it his axe came swinging at me. I moved my head just in time. He moved his arm out of the sight so that i wouldn't see that he was umarmed. He has potential. As he looked down at the burgandy on the ground. Ill send a letter to sensei after this.

"And you."

°•back to y/n now:3•°

Giyuu turned to you. The same stoic expression on his face. You almost felt imtimidated with his cold dark blue eyes staring at you.

"Yes?" You said trying to keep your voice steady and not stutter.

"Who are you?" He asked without moving his gaze from you.
"Y/n l/n" you answered as clamly as you can manage. He looked at you and nodded his head.

"Help me find a bamboo," He said.

You stared at him. "What?" Hes looking at me like im stupid. "I said find a bamboo." Oh. For nezuko's muzzle. Right. You turned around and tried to find some bamboo.

°•Giyuu's pov•°

I looked at her as she walked off. She looks nice i guess.

(I- oh well)

°•your pov•°

I remember i saw some bamboo around here. Oh. There it is.

You took out your sword and chopped some of it. That should be enough. You turned and walked back. "I got it" you said as you dropped the few chopped peices in front of him. "Thanks. You can go now." I would but i have no where to go-

"Its ok if i stay with you?" Giyuu turned towards you but didnt reply. He fixed up nezuko's muzzle and stood up. He stood up and began walking away. "Hey wait-" you hurried and caught up with him. "Why are you following me? Don't you have mussions? Wheres your crow?" He shot questions at you. Shit. I dont have a crow.. "Uhm it got sick so i haven't recieved any missions," you  lied quickly. Crap. Was that too quick? Luckily, for you, he seemed to be buying it. For the rest of the walk he didnt say anything else. (Of course lol)

After awhile, he turned to you and said. "You should go home now"

"I would if i had one."


Hey readers i js wanted to say thank you all who are reading this💖🤧🤧.

Im sorry this chapter doesnt have much going on in it but ill try to include more in the next chapter:)


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