a price to pay

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My stomach knotted itself. I wanted to stop this. Each step towards the train felt like a drag. As inosuke and zenistsu continue to bicker among themselves tanjirou fell in step with me.

"Y/n are you okay? You're worried about something" tanjirou looked at me with his burgundy eyes. I smiled at him. "Don't worry about it. Just a little nervous thats all" i assured him, keeping my voice steady.

Maybe I can stop this. I know whats going to happen. Do not interfere with the story line. The voice echoed through my head. Dread filled me. I don't want to see this through.

Time passed and we got onto the train. "UMAI" A loud voice ripped through the train. My heart sunk even more. I watched as the rest talked to rengoku. As time passes the more scared I felt.


An hour later

"Y/n! Can i ask you a qn?" Rengoku asked. You nodded your head in response.

"I heard that you are tomiokas student. Is that true?" You felt confused. He definitely didn't make you his student. I would be happy to train under him though. "No i am not. Sorry to disappoint." You replied. Rengoku shook his head as if shrugging off your apology. "It's alright y/n! It's just the rumour going around."

What rumour? I didn't hear anything?


Giyuu's POV

I'm going to make y/n my student. I'm not sure why but I'm extremely worried about her. Maybe if I can monitor her I can stop worrying.

"Giyuu. Your request for taking y/n as your student has been approved."

I thanked the head of the demon slayer corps and left. I'll ask her when she comes back. She was acting strange when she left though. Is something bothering her? It's probably nothing.


Your pov

Rengoku has already defeated the weaker demons. Times running out. you thought. I have to hurry.

Soon, the train conductor arrived. Worry spread across you. I cant fall asleep. You stood up and excuse yourself to the restroom. You stayed inside until the entire train fell into silence. You stepped out, immediately feeling the sudden shift in the atmosphere. An eerie presence hung in the air.

You stiffly walked back to your seat. As expected, everyone was asleep. After a while, nezuko fell out of her box. You smiled. Soon one by one they woke up.

You and tanjirou were now running through the train. Looking for the demon. "Where is it?" Tanjirou getting more frustrated. "At the front" you said. You ran forward to the train and slashed the floor open revealing the demons neck. Muscle began to build around you growing eyes. You shut them blocking out your vision. "(Mispronounced name) CUT THE NECK ALREADY! STOP CLOSING YOUR EYES!"

He's right. What am I doing? "Shadow breathing, second form: shadow cut"
You slashed the neck. You turned to inosuke and tanjirou. "Tend to the casualties. I'll find rengoku." You walked off hurrying through the train. I have to hurry. "Rengoku san! The demon is gone." Rengoku nodded and soon headed outside. It was quiet until a loud explosion erupted. Staring at us, was a pair of yellow eyes.

Akaza. he's here.

Im not ready for this. I knew this would happen. I never thought it would feel this real. And I can't do anything about it.


I stared at his lifeless body covered in blood. His smile still stretched into his face. I wish I could have done something.

Why am I here if i can't change anything? Why was I brought here? I feel useless. Was this supposed to help me? But for what? No one cared when I was in my own world they just toss me around like a burden. I wonder if they see me that way too.

Connected Through Dimentions (Giyuu X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now