Conneted though dimensions

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Many years later in modern Japan ...

"Y/N," I groaned as my mom yelled my name. I dragged myself outside, "yes?" My mom was standing in the kitchen, her hair tied back into a bun she clutched a container of freshly baked cookies in her hands.

"Y/n can you please give this to our new neighbour? They just moved in a few days ago. Go say hi I heard they have a boy around your age too." She said handing me the container.

I left the house and crossed the street, some boy around my age huh. I couldn't help but feel curious. I did hear about the new neighbour, but it seems that they tend to keep to themselves. I arrived at the doorstep, the walls outside still smell of fresh paint. The door swung open a few moments after I knocked.

There stood a guy somewhere around my age. He had raven hair and dark blue eyes. Well he's good looking. I snapped out of my thoughts when I realised I've been gawking.

"Hi, I'm y/n, your neighbour, I live across the street my mom and I wanted to give you this." I stretched out my hand for him to take the cookies. God I hope I don't seem awkward.

"Giyu," he said as he took it from me.

"Sorry?" I asked, a little confused.

"My name. It's giyu. Nice to meet you," he said all while his face is stoic. Wow. Does he have no emotion at all?

Feeling the awkward tension thicken, I stretched a smile onto my face "nice to meet you too, I hope you enjoy your cookies!" I said quickly feeling a little awkward.

I didn't wait for his reply anymore and turned to walk back. Even as I got further and further away I could still feel the burn of his stare.

I felt weird, like a strange tugging of deja vu. Why did he seem so familiar?

Almost like we met before.

Hii guys sorry if it's bad it seems rushed since I wasn't so sure of how to end it. Anyway this is the end of the story. I probably will be writing short stories (if I feel like it).

If you read till the end, thank you so much I hope u at least enjoyed some parts of it! Thank u again and byee

Connected Through Dimentions (Giyuu X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now