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The image of the lifeless bodies of the two people you loved most in your life now forever etched in your mind.


Trigger warning: abus3, alcohol and may contain suicud3.

Your pov

I will always remember that day.


Ever since that day, you were left with nothing. Your parents gone, so was all the wealth your parents worked hard to get. You didnt feel sad anymore. You felt angry. Angry that everything was taken away from you in such a short time.


You looked around your home. Blood decorated every wall. The valuable antiques and what ever money your parents owned were long gone. You had nothing. Not a single penny or dime. At age 7 you had nothing and you were alone. With no where to go, you were sent to an orphanage.

And you hated it. It was horrible. You hated the dull grey walls, you hated the the plain white beds. You hated the florecent lighting, you hated the bland meals that never seemed to fill you up. You hated the beige tiled bathrooms. And most of all, you hated the people. The other kids teased you for you disheveld and tangled hair even when they were the ones who smashed the pearl white brush your mother gave you, into pieces.

Everyday in that orphanage, the pain you felt cut you deeper and deeper. Scars that will never heal. You watched as other kids leave to get adopted while you sat there in a corner on your own. Some part of you wanted to feel what other kids did. You wanted to feel what it was like to have a family again. Until one day.
"Y/N SOMEONE IS HERE FOR YOU" one of the caretakers called."This is Carolyne she us here to take care of you." You walked out to see a women. She wasnt very pretty, but she had a slim body with dark eyes with frizzy hair that didnt look like it had been brushed. But you didnt care. All you felt was joy that you can have a life like other kids again. After a while, you finally had a ray of hope.


Fast forward to your teenage years.

"WHERE IS IT?" Her voice echoed through the small messy apartment.
"Im sorry, i didnt have enough money," You said as shrunk away from her in fear. You let a yelp as she hurled an acholhol bottle towards you. "DONT GIVE ME THAT EXCUSE," Before you could react, you felt a stinging pain in your cheeck. "THATS YOUR PUNISHMENT MAYBE IF I DIDNT TKAE YOU IN I WOULD ACTUALLY HAVE MONEY" Tears streamed down your face. "STOP CRYING THIS IS YOUR FAULT" She yelled as her foot rammed into your ribs. You screamed hoping someone would hear you. "SHUT UP" She screamed as her glass bottle crashed onto you.


Your eyes shot open as you sat up breathing heavily. Cold sweat still trickiling down your temple. Water. I need water.

"Y/n chan are you alright? Did you have a nightmare?" Shinobu asked you with her voice filled with concern. More like memories. "Well uh yea i guess so..could i have some water please?" Shinobu nodded her head and immediately went to fetch some water for you.


"How is she?" Giyuu asked.
"She alright just tired and malnorished, i think she had a nightmare. Poor girl." Shinobu said as she poured some fresh water into a cup. Nightmare? Giyuu thought. "Did she tell you what it was about?" Shinobu shook her head. "You can ask her," shinobu said after filling the cup.
She headed back towards your ward.

"Here is the water" shinobu said as she put down the cup. "Call if you need anything" she said as she left the room. You gulped the water down and tried to steady yourself. "Are you alright? Kochou said you had a nightmare."

~time skip bc your gurl is lazy~

A few weeks later

You felt stronger and healtheir after staying at shinobu's estate. Since you felt better you decided to start praticing your breath styles.

"Good afternoon." A voice said startling you

You turned around to see Giyuu standing behind you. "Oh good afternoon tomioka-san im almost done. Do you want to eat lunch after this?," you asked. Giyuu nodded and you finished up. You and giyuu decided to stop by a bento shop to eat. "Where did you learn your breath style l/n san? I have never heard of it before." Giyuu asked.

Oh gosh.

"Oh i created it on my own," you replied quickly. Giyuu just nodded his head. "Who is your sensei then? All demon hunters would have one?"

Why is he suddenly asking me this.

"His name is Hitoshi" you lied, guilt stabbing you.

Giyuu nodded once again and eat his simmer salmon with daikon. You barely finished your food when giyuus crow shouted," Y/N AND GIYUU TO HEAD NORTH-EAST NOW"
You groaned and stood up with giyuu.
Both of you started toward your destination. When you were nearing, you noticed it was starting to get dark.
"You go left ill take the right" giyuu said already heading off. You turned towards your left and continued to walk. The more you walked the more dense the forest became.

It was faint at first. But the strong metallic smell began to hit you harder. Blood. You pulled out your sword a walked slowly. As you got closer you saw dozens of bodies. Your eyes widened as you recognised their blood soaked uniforms. Demon slayers. Suddenly, you heard a child-like giggle. It chilled you to your bone. Suppressing your fear you clutched your sword tightly and walked forward.

"Poor child, to think that you will die today is such a pity!"

All of a sudden you felt yourslef being blown back, hitting your back against a tree. What? Theres two? You stood up and charged towards the demon. " Shadow breathing,First form: 8 claw slash"

I hit her! Good.

But the demon crumbled to the ground. You heard snikkering from behind you. The demon now had a crazed look on her face. Her eyes filled with hunger and bloodlust.


The demon started to multiply right before you. I see she can clone herself.
The clones launched attacks at you and you dodged them. I have to find the main body before i sustain marjor injuries.

"Shadow breathing, 5th form: arrow" the arrows slashed through the clones as they crumbled to the ground. However, the demon was no where in sight. She cant be left or right. If she was behind i would have heard her. That means..

"Shadow breathing, 7th form: shadow cast."(this form blinds the target partially for a short period of time)  Shit i missed. I should have a few seconds left to land a hit..

"Shadow breathing, 2nd form: shadow cut"  your sword crashed into the demon girl. An ear piercing shiek ripped thriugh her body. Sprawled on the ground, she reached up and launched and attack. You used your sword to defend yourself. Almost instantly, you felt a sharp pain from behind.

You fell to the ground coughing out blood. She cloned herself again. "Showdow breathing 5th form: arrow"  the clones slowly started to crumble. Ill have to kill her now or this will go on forever. "Shadow breathing, 6th form: dark portal" you telepoted through the shadows. "HEY WHERE DID YOU GO?" The demon yelled. You appeared behind her and with a single slash, her head rolled onto the snow.

I feel so dizzy..

You slumped to the ground, motionless.

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