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"You should go home now."

"I would if i had one"


Giyuu turned to you. "I see. I know a place you can stay at. Ill just drop something off at my place first." You nodded your head in response but didnt say anything else.

Soon you reached giyuus estate. It was an elegant, traditional japanese style home. (Ps this is not cannon, i js thought he wld have that kind of home.) He let you inside the house as you took all the details in. The style was fresh and morden with japanese traditional furniture. Its really fancy. "Would you like a drink?" Giyuu asked with his back to you. "No thanks"

An awkward silence filled the air as you two didnt say anything else. After putting down his things, "ill bring you there now. You should get yourself checked out too." After awhile you reached another estate. Butterflies fluttered around giving it a relaxing atmosphere.

"Its really pretty," you breathed out as a butterfly landed on your arm. Giyuu just looked at you. " We're here." As you entered. Giyuu had a reluctant face as he called out ," kochou"

Kochou? Shinobu?

A gentle female voice floated out,"Tomioka-san~" Giyuus expression didnt change. "Hello shinobu-sama, im y/n l/n!" You greeted with a bright smile. "Get her checked out and a room. Im going now," Giyuu said with and expressionless face. "Ara ara~ you're not staying tomioka san? This might be a chance to make  people like you  y'know?"

" like me"

"Ara ara~im sorry i was out out of line i shouldnt have said that."

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Before you could say anything else,"Y/n was it? Come with me ill get you checked out. " You and Giyuu walked in. The estate was tastefully decorated with a hint smell of disinfectant that hung in the air.

Shinobu led you to a ward with a single bed and side table. Its different from the one tanjirou,zenitsu and inosuke were in. "Please have a seat," Shinobu said gesturing to a wooden chair. You sat down and she started running her treatment on you. "You're okay, just exausted and mal-nourished. " Shinobu stated calmly. "Have you been eating properly? It seems like you havent been doing so."

You looked down and clutched your skirt/pants tightly but didnt answer. "Ah, i guess you haven't then. Don't worry with some good food and rest you should be fine." You nodded your head but didnt say anything elese. After a few minutes, a young girl with pigtails came in. She had blue butterfly pins in her hair. Aoi. She hurriedly set down the fresh set of clothes. "Do you need help to change? Y/n chan was it?" You said no and thanked her. After she left you changed out of your uniform and into the freshly cleaned robe. The soft cotton draped over you allowing your tensed musles to relax. You slowly got onto the bed and fell into a slumber.


Fyi you were about 7 in this flash back.

Years ago

"Mummy, Daddy look what i drew!" You said as you held up a drawing of a butterfly. Your parents smiled " Thats beautiful honey!" Your mother beamed at you. Your father laughed and picked you up and tickeld you. Your faced shone with pure joy and happiness. You remembered your old house,it was huge. With multiple levels filled with valuable anitiques, your parents are extremely wealthy. You could call yourself lucky, you had a beautiful home, everything you wanted and needed and two loving parents.

Suddenly your fathers phone rang. He excused himself and answered it. Almost immediately, a concered expression filled his features. Once he hung up, he turned to your mother and said," Take y/n up to the private room in the basement. Now." His voice had no trace of the happy laughter moments ago. Taking the hint, your mother picked you up and hurriedly brought you to a hidden room in the basement. Barely a decade old, you had no idea what was going and simply followed your mother. Once you reached the room, your mother gave you a comforting smile and said gently," lets play a game ok? Stay in this room for as long as you can. If you do a good job mummy will buy you something. Okay honey?" You smiled innocently. "Okay mummy!" After 30minutes you could hear faint noises and footsteps, you were curious but stayed in the room. After awhile longer you decided to peek outside. Opening a door just a little crack you called out," Mommy? Daddy?" But you got no reply. Finally you decided to step out. "Mummy? Daddy?" Still having no reply, you started to feel scared. You walked up the stairs expecting to see your mom and dad, but things took a turn for the worst.

At the top of the stairs, lay a bloody scene. Crimson staining almost everywhere in the almost bare room. But that didnt concern you. The fear that you felt soon bubbled into panic. "Mummy? Daddy?" As soon as you saw it, an ear piercing scream ripped through you. Your once loving mother and father who were stabbed mercilessly were now lying on the cold, hard marble floor. You felt numb. You couldnt move.

The image of the lifeless bodies of the two people you loved most in your life now forever etched in your mind.

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