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Tengen shrugged again and walked away. But he was right.

Im not sure.


Giyuus POV

No. I cant think about this. I have a job. Muzan is still alive i cant have any distractions. She doesnt mean anything to me.

Back to you now :3

You decided to retire for the night and prepared for bed. "Ah y/n san your going to bed so soon?" You looked up and smiled. "Yes. I feel quite tired after today. Goodnight Shinobu-sama." You said. She wished you goodnight and slowly shut the door. You tossed and turned for hours on the soft bed trying to find a comfortable spot. Finally you fell into a fitful sleep.

The sunlight that spilled into your room shone on your face. Your eyes cracked open slowly, squinting in the sunlight.

You turned onto your side trying to block the sunlight. Soon, you groaned and dragged yourself out of bed.

°•time skip to a few hour later•°

"Ahh y/n there you are. I got masters reply about your crow. You will be issued another one. Please come with me. " Shinobu informed you. She brought you outside and you saw the two identical children you saw at the final selection.

Here the photo if u dun remember 😅

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Here the photo if u dun remember 😅

"One of these crows will pick you to be their master. Whichever chooses you will be yours." At least a dozen crows flapped towards you. You put your arms in front of your face to shield yourself from all the flapping wings. All of a sudden you felt a weight perched on your shoulder. It was a big jet black crow. (U can name the crow whatever you want.) Sadly you arnt gunna get a special bird like an owl or whatever bc im sticking to the plot😅)

"The crow has chosen you. It will be your messanger from now on." One of the children said. "You may take ypur leave now. We wish you luck on your upcoming missions."


Soon night came. You glanced up at the inky dark blue sky. You inhaled the crisp night air, giving you some peace. "Y/N L/N HEAD SOUTH EAST" Your crow screeched making you wince from the shrill voice. You immediaty grabbed your sword and made your way there.


Unsure of where your destination, you felt anxious. As you approached your destination, the air grew thick. With an eerie atmosphere, you glanced up at the towering mountain in front of you. Fear sunk in as you realised where you were. Mount Natagumo.

(A pic if u dun remember)

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(A pic if u dun remember)

You stared up at the entrance. Screw it. Tanjirou and the rest should ve coming by now right? You stpped forward and entered the thick forest. Ignoring your doubts, you quietly walked deeper into the dense forest. As your eyes adjusted to the dark, you could make out the tall trees the stretched above you. "IM NOT THE WEIRD ONES HERE YOU ARE! IM NORMAL" you heard a screech not too far away. You began heading towards them until you felt something yank you back making you stumble backwards. In the dark, you could just make out a faint sliver thread. You immediately pulled out your sword and cut the thread. You began hurring back towards the entrance. "H-help me.." A bloodied demon slayer on the ground asked helplessly. But before you could cut the thread he was yanked back into the air. Your eyes went wide. "Are you alright? Do you know what is going on here?" A gentle voice pulled you back to reality. You snapped out of your daze to see bright red eyes looking at you. "Oh- uh im alright. Theres something in there. " You said playing along with the story line. "Im y/n l/n by th-"

"WHO CARES ABOUT WHO YOU ARE LETS GO" Inosuke cut you off already stomping off towards the entrance. "Im tanjirou by the way" the burgandy smiled at you. You felt comforted by tanjirous gentleness and smiled back at him. A frown took ocer tanjirous face and hurried after inosuke. Turning around you saw zenitsu cowering on the ground trembling. "Hey zenitsu thats your name right? Lets go." You knelt down next to him. "No not you too! Cant you see how creepy it is? Im not going!" You sighed. "Okay you can stay here then. Bye" You said and dusted yourself and started towards the mountain. "Hey wait! Dont leave me here!"  Zenitsu yelled running after you. He cowered begind you as you went deeper into the forest. "Lets look for tanjirou and inosuke okay?" After walking around for a bit. You heard a strange sound. "Hey d-did you hear that?" Zenitsu cried looking scared out of his wits. You shushed him and listened for the sound again. "Its in front. Lets go, quick" you whispered and quickly made your way to the front. You made your way towards a clearing and came face to face with tanjirou and insouke. "Oh good i found you." You said with relif. "Thats good but wheres Zenitsu?"

"Oh he is right here-" You turned around only to see the dense trees behind you.

With Zenitsu no where in sight.

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