The end of the line

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A few months later


It's December now. The snow is falling coating everything in a blanket of white. It's beautiful and yet I can't even enjoy it.

The day is coming where they would finally realise that I'm not supposed to be here. I don't want to leave but I have to. I'll have to go back to my life where I'm supposed to be.

For once I want to be selfish. I want to stay despite the damage i have done without the ones I care about knowing. I want to continue to spend my afternoons with giyuu and the rest where I could finally feel safe despite all the fighting.

"Y/n san."

I turned to see a pair of violet eyes looking at me. "Ah yes shinobu sama?"

She peeked out into the hall before coming in and shutting the door behind her. She sighed and sat down. "Y/n you're..not really from here are you?"

I swallowed and nodded. Was I that obvious? "You don't have to worry I will be tuning myself in. I understand the how dire the consequences would be if I stay.."

Shinobu looked at me and her gazed softened. "I'll miss you y/n."

As the sun sets and the sky turned into an orange hue, I sat outside waiting for the inevitable. Maybe it's by God's grace that I stayed for so long. It's barely been a year but these people have grown to be such a huge part of my life. My mind wandered to giyuu. He must be out now, on a mission perhaps. Maybe I can see him one last time.

I was startled out of my daze when (crows/name)  came swooping in yelling to meet at the headquarters. My heart dropped. So this is it huh? 

I feel my heart sink a little. I didn't even get to say one last goodbye to giyuu. I took my sword, not that I'm going to need it anymore.


A voice that was all to familiar spoke. I know exactly who it was.

"Y/n" the voice said again. I turned around silently. He looked at me and his eyes softened. Even after all the things I kept from him he still looked at me so gently. "I wanted to say goodbye to you." I smiled my lip quivered but I pushed my tears back.

"It's okay y/n. Everything is alright." He wrapped his arms around me. He felt warm. Safe. He makes me feel safe. I wanted to stay like this forever. Unchanging. Just me and him. But, alas, you don't always get a happy ending. As he placed one final kiss in my forehead, I knew that this was it. This was his way of saying goodbye.

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked

"No matter how far I have to go I will find you"

That was his final promise to me.



Hii so we are approaching the end to the story. If you have read this form the very beginning thank you so much for the support. There are only about 2 more chapters left before I complete this book.
So I hope you will stick with me for the last stretch. Thank youu <3

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