A Discovery

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I feel so dizzy..

You slumped to the ground motionless.


Giyuus POV

There isnt much on my side. There has been a sighting of a potential demon moon here.. what if y/n ran into it? I need to find her.


Giyuu turned and headed towards your direction. A strong metallic scent clung onto the thin air. Giyuus nose twitched to the almost overwhelming stench. Blood. Giyuu unsheathed his sword and walked forward. As his eyes adjusted to the dark, he could make a out dozens of demon slayers corpses. His eyes widened. He could just make out a small figure on the ground a few yards away from all the dead bodies. I was right. Shit. Barely a few yards away, he could see a deintegrating demon. He hurried up to you and rolled you over onto your back. Your increasingly faint breaths making small clouds in the air. He quickly picked you up bridal style and carried you. I have to hurry. Giyuu hugged you close to his chest trying to keep your now ice cold body warm.

Dawn was approaching as giyuu arrived a shinobus estate. Giyuu sighed and called, " kochou." Shinobus voice echoed out," Tomioka-san~ ara ara- is y/n san alright?" Glancing at your unconsious body cradled in giyuus arms. Giyuu didnt say anything as he pushed his way in past shinobu. Giyuu made his way over and put your soft body onto a bed. "Ara ara~ its not nice to push yourself in like that tomioka san. No wonder people dont like you."

"Can you just check her please," Giyuu said, ignoring shinobus comment. "Alright ill get started now."

~time skip to after the treatment~

A frown arched onto shinobus face. "Whats wrong?" Giyuu asked as he noticed shinobus expression. "Is she alright?" He questioned as shinobu stepped out of the room.

"Something is off. Its almost as if her breath style is eating away her energy at a rapid pace. Her body seems very weak," Shinobu explained. "Ill have to keep examining her and give her some endurance training."

"Can i see her?" Giyuu asked. Shinobu smiled, "yes you may. And while your at it.. can you please put this medicine at her side table?" Giyuu nodded and went in.

He gazed at your peaceful face. Your chest rising and you snore softly.

Giyuus POV°•

Its almost as if her breath style is eating away her energy at a rapid pace. Her body seems very weak.
She looks so fragile. She looks so small from here. Cute. Giyuu shooked away the thought. What am i thinking? Something is strange. Something isnt adding up here.

"TOMIOKA AND ALL PILLARS TO REPORT TO UBUYASHIKI ESTATE!" Giyuus crow yelled interrupting his thoughts. I hope its correct..
Giyuu looked at you one more time before heading off with shinobu to his masters estate.

"Is she going to be ok?" Giyuu asked. Shinobus eyes perked up and answered. "She should be okay. Im just worried about the strange circumstance. She seems physically weak that her body cant handle her style. Some forms can be draining but it seems like the style is eating her energy at an unsusual pace. She may not go on any other missions for a while if this keeps up. Maybe ill tell master and inform her crow."

"Should i be worried. I didnt think that it will have a toll on her," giyuu said. A sly smirk creeped up shinobus face. "Do you prehaps, like her?,"

Giyuu seemed to be caught off guard by the sudden question," I guess she seems nice.."

"Oh wait, i think y/n san said that her crow is sick," Giyuu said. Shinobu frowned. "I can help treat it. Does she have it?"

Giyuu frowned. "Actually, i havent seen her with it at all.."

~at ubuyashiki estate~

The other pillars had already arrived when Giyuu and Shinobu reached. "Good after noon master Ubuyashiki, it is good to see you well," Mitsuri greeted. I greeted his master! Mitsuri blushed. "Thank you Kanroji, and all of you as well. I have called all of you for an important issue. I have come to find out of a breach between worlds including ours. This means people can enter our world."

The pillars immediately rose into a chatter upon hearing the news.

"Master, may i ask a question" Sanamei inquired.

"Yes you may"

"Has anyone entered our world?"

"The number of people that has entered is currently unknown. However, this may cause serious damage to different worlds. I would like you all to find these people. They are supposedly to seem to have more detailed features than others. If you find any of them please bring them here. "

"Master, i have a question!" Rengoku perked up.


"What are there people called exactly?"

"They are called shifters."

Hi its the author here :)
Thank u all for the reads i really appreciate it💖💖

Also if u yall are confused about why giyuu was hoping his crow was correct. His crow is actually pretty old so it can mess up orders and can give giyuu the wrong instuction. So this makes giyuu concerned 😅.

Anyway thats all see u in the next chapter :)


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