Puzzle pieces

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Now that shinobu has asked me about it, it has never been clearer. All those times when she seemed to know things that she shouldn't know. And knowing people she never met.

As immature as it sounds it makes me angry, frustrated and even upset. Not because she isn't from here but because she hid it from me. But in the end, I can't expect her to tell me that. After all we have only known each other for some months. But I can't help but feel a little hurt that she hid something like that from me.

I shake the thought away. My feelings doesn't matter right now. Now that I know who it is, what am I going to do? They're looking for her. Keeping this may risk everything for me. But if I turn her in? I'll lose her. I don't want to admit it but she has grown onto me . I don't want to let her go, not when I've finally-

My thoughts were interrupted by someone shutting the door. "Oh tomioka san?" I turn around to the voice. Speak of the devil. There she was standing there her (h/c) hair being tousled buy the wind. Even in pyjamas she has never looked so beautiful. "Tomioka san?" She called. I turn away in embarrassment. I didn't realised I was staring so much.


I decided to step out for some fresh air before finally heading to bed. Today was tiring. I've been given a steady flow of missions these few days. I open the sliding door to see a person with a mismatched haori.

"Tomioka san?" I called out to him. I didn't expect him to be out here at this time. He turned to look at me but he didn't say anything. I feel my face turn warm. Why was he staring at me like that? Is there something on my face or-

I stepped next to him.

"The moon looks beautiful tonight doesn't it?" He suddenly said. But he want looking at the moon. He was looking at me.

I smiled and looked back at him. "Yes it really does"


I tensed at the announcement. They are still looking for that one shifter. That being me of course. Even after all these while I wondered why I was sent here. But ever since staying here I have never felt so free. I feel my heart sink as I thought about the time I have left.

I'm going to miss everyone here. I wonder if they will remember me too. Even though me being here has caused issues, I've finally feel myself be able to grow as a person I'm finally not afraid to make mistakes like before.

I'm finally going to move on to the next chapter of my life.

And to do that I'll have to leave this place even if I have to leave people behind.

Hi guys :) sorry this chapter is really short. I'm trying to finish this book since I started it a long while back. I hope u all will enjoy it to the very end <33

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