Lose ties

22 2 0

Everyday is like a ticking time bomb.
Where did all the time go? I've been here for months already yet it feels like I just got here yesterday.

It must have been at least 6 months now. Time really flies fast here. My heart sank as I thought about giyuu. I'm starting to accept the fact that i do have feelings for him. But then what? I only have half a year left here. It's not like he feel the same way after all.

I sighed in defeat. After rengokus death, everyone has been on edge even myself. This isn't the first time I've seen some one die, but I still feel at a loss. He meant so much to everyone.

I slid out of bed to freshen up. I don't have much to do today. Missions have been slow since we came back but I secretly wish they would give me something to do. Everyday the melancholy of rengokus death is hanging in the air. It's almost suffocating. I need a distraction from all this.

I opened the back door of shinobus estate and breathed in the air. I wonder what would happen when I go back "home" not like it actually is. That place stopped being a home to me a long time ago.

I shut my eyes. Even when I'm here, my past will remain with me. Despite that it's been years, it still hurts.

"Are you alright?" A voice suddenly said. I turned around to see giyuu standing right behind me. "Ah it's just you. You scared me." I chuckled. Despite my laughter and casual manner, giyuu face remained stoic.

"It wouldn't hurt to smile a little you know?" I teased while he stared blankly at me.

"You haven't been sleeping well have you. Are you alright?" He asked, completely dodging my question. I shook my head and said I'll be fine. But before I knew it he was already taking my hand and leading me back to my room.

Even if I couldn't see it I could feel my face go red. He held my hand gently as if I were fragile. His hand is warm. I shook my head and tried to get myself together as we reached my room. He sat me on the bed and pulled the covers over me.

"Sleep now. You need it." He said has he gently pushed me down on the bed. As I lay in the soft mattress I began to feel sleepy again. As a cloud of sleep took over me I felt someone gently peck my temple.  Finally being able to relax I fell into a deep sleep.

For once in a long time I finally felt safe.


I slowly opened my eyes and rolled over to see a lump of disheveled black locks at the side of my bed. Giyuu? He's still here? I was sure he would leave after I slept.

I smiled and gently ruffled his hair. Giyuu stirred in response and slowly lifted his head. "Good morning" I chuckled at his messy hair. He groaned a little and sat up.

"Are you okay? How's your sleep? Do u need anything?" Giyuu asked. I laughed and shook my head no. "I should get changed and get ready," I said already getting off. Giyuu got up too saying he will be with shinobu. I quickly got changed, feeling refreshed and decided to stretch a little.

Giyuus POV

I hope I didn't overstep by sleeping there. I don't want to make her uncomfortable. I just wanted to make sure she's okay..

"Ah Tomioka san." shinobu called. "Mind if I Talk to you for a bit?" I nodded and followed her outside. "How is y/n ? She seemed quite tired" shinobu asked. 

"She's alright. If that is all I will take my leave." I turned to leave when she gently grabbed my shoulder. "Tomioka san. Have you ever noticed something different about y/n?"

"Like what?"

"I do not have ill Intentions. However I can't shake off the fact that there's something strange about her.."

"Leave her out of this. If she is the one they would have caught her by now" I turned quickly and left. But Deep down i knew, that she was right. Y/n isn't from here but why?


I finally got another chapter out 🥲 sorry it Took so long I had a bit of a writers block as well as lack of motivation to write. However I will be doing my best to Update and finish this to the best of my ability. :)

See u soon <3

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