Scattered feelings

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"Shadow breathing,8th form: black void" You peirced ruis hand as black spread all over it.


You continues to strike his hand as an attempt to make him weaker. Tanjirou took at as an opportunity and jumped at Rui. Threads came charging at Tanjirou.

You charged at Ruis neck. Only to be met with more threads. You slashed them, one cutting your shoulder.

"You really think some low rank demon slayers can kill me?" Rui pused aside his hair. Revealing an eye with his rank on it. "You think you can beat a tweleve demon moon?" Rui flexed his fingers, the black on his hand was already fading.

"Did you really think that thats the strongest i can manipulate my threads?" Rui continued, dyeing his threads a bright crimson. With your shoulder slashed and bleeding, you couldnt use your arm anymore. Shit. We cant beat him. We're not strong enough. I have to stall him until Giyuu gets here.

Relying on your good hand, you charged at him. Hoping that your forms were strong enough to deal with the now bloodied threads.

Your sword made contact with the threads. Your eyes widened as your sword snapped into two.

Almost immediately a bright red flame engulfed rui. Nezuko seething with anger. Taking the opportunity, tanjirou sprinted towards rui with what was left of his broken sword.

He 'slashed' Ruis head off. Ruis head rolled on the floor. A look of relief settled on tanjirous face, clearly exausted from the fight. "Tanjirou wait. Its not over yet." Tanjirou looked you, with a perplexed look. "But i cut his head o-" His eyes went wide.

Rui chuckled. "What a show you put on! Too bad you werent fast enough. I cut my own head off with my own thread before you could. Its a pity really, you all did so well. I guess ill kill you now."

A net of read threads began to surround you and tanjirou. Nezuko rushed forward at both of you in despiration.

You tried to cover tanjirou to defend him. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt your leg being cut by the threads. I hope Giyuu comes quick..

"You did well holding up until i got here," Giyuu said with his usual stoic expression. Relief washed over you as he drew out his sword. You could tell Rui was getting more and more annoyed and impatient.

"Water breathing, 11 form: Dead Calm"

"WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR ELEVENTH FORM" Rui yelled throwing an attack at Giyuu. The threads broke as sooon as it reached Giyuu. Ruis eyes went wide. "NO THAT CANT BE! Let me try again.." Rui stretched out his hand as he attempted to form another attack.

Giyuu walked up and sliced his head off. "NO ILL KILL YOU ALL NO MATTER WHAT" Rui shouted as the rest of his body reduced to nothing but ashes.

With the adrenaline fading away, the pain from your wounds started to hit you. Deep cuts covered your body, causing small pools of blood on the ground. You felt a pair of hands wrap around you and lifted you up.

You looked up to see Giyuus expressionless face. "Your badly hurt. Take it easy. " You felt your face heat up as he carried you bridal style. "Uh hm" You muttered turning away so he wouldnt see your red face.

"Tomioka san~ please move out of the way" A female voice floated out. Giyuu gently put you down and looked at Shinobu. "Excuse me there is a demon. It should be killed immediately." Shinobu said.

"Please dont! Shes my sister!" Tanjirou begged.

Shinobu smiled at him. "Ah then i shall use a more gentle poison. So she wouldnt feel any pain."

Giyuu shifted in front of tanjirou and nezuko. "Go grab your sister and leave."

Tanjirou immediately got up and ran with nezuko in his arms. You sighed as you slumped your back against the tree. "Dont hurt him. Please." You breathed out, wincing in pain from all your gashes.

Before you knew it you soon passed out.

Trigger warning this part contains abuse.


You opened the door, a sour stench of vomit and alcohol hit you making your nose scrunch up. You quietly shut the door to see your froster "mom" lying passed out on the couch. With a bag of stale vomit next to her.
At least its in a bag not on the floor.

You held your breath as you picked up and chucked it into the chute. "Ugh.."
Your "mom" sat up clearly hung over. "Do you want something to eat? We still have eggs," you offered. She ignored you and walked off to her room.

After awahile, she came out. "Y/n, come here" she called in a suprisingly gentle voice. You walked over to her. "Yes?" She sat down and offered you a seat as well. "Pack your bags. We are going somewhere."

You were confused but didnt want to ask in fear of angering her. You grabbed whatever you had and chucked it into a small carry on bag.

"Im ready." You said. Your "mom" got up and guided you to a car parked just outside the house. "You have everything with you?" She asked. You nodded. A man walked out of the car and greeted boh of you. "She certainly is pretty. Ill take her." Your "mom" smiled. The man handed her an evelope and smirked. "Heres your payment."

You didnt know what was going on but had a bad gut feeling. The man then opened the car and gestured you to go inside. "Where are we going?" You asked looking at your "mom".

She sighed. "Somewhere else. Just go you will be fine."

You got in quietly the bad feeling still eating away at you but you ignored it.

Little did you know, you shouldnt have.

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