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You woke up with a start. You shot up. Still feeling jittery from your dream. Water. I need water. You tried to get up and move but pain shot through ur back. You winced as you sat at the side of your bed. "Oh your awake! Ill get shinobu-sama" you turned to see tanjirou peeking at you before running off.

"Ah your finally awake y/n. You have been asleep for quite a while. Please do not strain yourself you just woke up." You felt light headed and lied back down.

"How long was i asleep for?" You asked.

"Oh you were asleep for 5 days! Ill have you do some conditioning to get your muscles working again." Shinobu said.

Your heart dropped. 5 days gone. I wasted so much time already..

"Shinobu-sama, whats the date today?"

Shinobu lifted her eybrows and answered, "Today is 27 of september"
Your eyes went wide. I have less then 4 months.. your heart sank at the thought.


You walked aroumd outside trying to get some air. "Y/n" you turned around to see giyuu. Your heart immediately skipped a beat. "Giyuu!" A small smile stretched onto giyuus face. "I saw that."

Giyuus expression turned back to its usual stoic look. "You saw what?"

"I saw you smile," you said

"You did not"

You laughed at him. "You took so long to wake up." Giyuu said.

"Oh yea. Shinobu-sama told me."

"Everyone was worried about you. You should be more careful next time."

A playful smirk reached your face.

"Aww you were worried about me?"

Giyuu turned away from you and muttered,"yea"

"What? I didnt hear that. What did you say?" You asked. Giyuu shooked his head and was already walking away.

You pouted a little before running up to him


"Y/n!" Tanjirou was waving at you to come over. "Yes? what is it?"

"The girls made us some onigiri. You should take some." You and tanjirou sat outside and ate some. "Hey y/n."

"Hmm?" You answer with your mouth full of rice.

"Do you like giyuu-san?"

You almost spat out your rice. Intead you swallowed. "Uh.." all of a sudden tanjirous eyss lit up. "You do! You're blushing!"

You looked away in embarrasement.
"Are gonna tell him?"

You looked down. Whats the point? I only have 3months left here after all..



A few days later, you have recovered and was training.

Your crow was about to yell again when you said,"Alright thats enough now c/n"

You soon packed up to leave when Giyuu dragged you aside. "What is it?"
Giyuu turned away from you again and said," Be careful"

You felt your face heat up. "Yea okay thanks. See you later!" You smiled at him and ran off. Once you were out of sight, you slowed down. You could feel your heart pounding from both shock and feeling flustered.

But that feeling went away as you realized what where you were going.
Dread began to build up as you walked with the others.

You were about to witness it all again.

Connected Through Dimentions (Giyuu X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now