Old times? (14)

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Welp time to make this story more frustrating jkjk maybe🥰
This chapter would be mostly about renhyuck.
If y'all see me switch between the names haechan and Donghyuck, No you don't.

"Hey. There's your phone." Renjun walked to the couch and handed the phone to the owner.

"Oh. Thank you." Donghyuck plastered a subtle, but fake smile as he gave back Renjun's phone.

"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Again! Uh Jaemin can you move a little bit more to the front?" Instructed by the  choreographer. The boy did what he was told and the whole practice went smoothly.

"Okay. Let's take a break." Said the choreographer. The guys spread around the practice room in groups. Renjun took off his black hoodie— revealing a grey tee underneath. "Is that my black hoodie?" Yangyang questioned. "I think so? I don't know. Found it in my room lmao." Renjun answered. (YES I DO SAY LMAO OUTLOUD. DONT JUDGE ME TF💀🤚)

"Here. Take it back." The boy handed the sweater back to Yangyang. "Are you sure? It's going to be cold because of the AC."

Donghyuck couldn't help but eavesdrop in their little conversation and gave Renjun his zip up sweater. "You could borrow this." Donghyuck softly said. Renjun looked at Donghyuck and analyzing him for a minute. Then he looked at him suspiciously; which then prompted the other to explain himself. "Now we are even." "What?" "You helped me find my phone remember?" "Oh yeah. Thank you." They both genuinely smiled at each other.

Yangyang looked at them both and stood there awkwardly— not knowing if he should leave, but left anyway.

Seeing that Yangyang has left, Donghyuck spoke up. "I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but do you want to hang out again? Just the two of us like the old times." Renjun took a while to think about this. "I don't know. I mean you and the rest haven't given me any space. Maybe someday when I get over the whole feelings thing you know?"

The change of expression on donghyuck's face did not go unnoticed by Renjun. Renjun then apologized. "No no. It's okay! I completely understand. I could wait." Donghyuck quickly said.

Sure. It hurts hurting one of your supposed best friends, but it will continue to hurt if he doesn't deal with his feelings. Space is what he needed.

He couldn't help, but miss dream. The way donghyuck gave him the sweater and disguised his kind act as if he owed something. It reminded him of the donghyuck he grew to love and he hated it. It also reminded him that the sun kissed boy will never like him. That they all will never like him in that way.

They both bid goodbye and separated. Renjun watched  Donghyck go to where his boyfriends are as Yangyang approaches him.

"You alright?" Yangyang asked with full concern because of the older's glossy eyes. Renjun was trying not to cry. "Yangyang? Can I please sleep over at your dorm?" (I'm going to have wayv in a separate dorm as 127 bc I can and it's my story. Idk why I put them in the same dorm earlier.)

End of this chapter
This is one of the shortest chapters sorry but it's better than nothing.
I'm trying to make the members less mean and aggressive bc damn if I were renjun I'd murder all of them. I'm also going to edit some of the previous chapters so don't freak out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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