Missing Out (5)

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(mark yelled at renjun around 11am so it's only the afternoon)

Renjun: hey Han?

Han: yes injunnie?

Renjun: I need advice... I'm asking you because you're more experienced.

Han: hm and what is it?

Renjun: so basically I like these guys, but they kind of distanced themselves from me. Then one day I got annoyed and accidentally confessed to one of them. We made up after that, but this one person cornered me and accused me of stealing that person from me. He yelled at me, and told me to throw away these feelings because they won't feel the same.

Renjun: right now I don't feel like seeing them at all, but I'll have to see them next week because of practice. What Im saying, is that I don't know what to do.

Han: oh junnie :( you don't deserve that.

Han: ill definitely help you!! But first you need to confess to the rest even if you know they won't accept your confession. You need to lift that weight off your shoulders.

Renjun: hm okay,, and what else?

Han: then show them what they're missing out on. Ill visit and have clothes ready for you. Since they don't really know me, I could pretend to be your little fling. And once I leave, we need to make you look messy.

Renjun: thank you hannie :( I really mean it.

Han: don't worry about it, you helped me last time. It's time for me to return the favour. Also what would you like to eat? Knowing you, you probably didn't eat yet.

Renjun: you know me so well! But anything would be fine.

Han: hmm I'll buy you drinks and cheese cake, we can share.

Renjun: I'll see you later!!

Han: mhmm

Renjun was so thankful to have Han as a friend. Sure the nct127 and wayv hyungs were supportive, but they didn't know what to do when it comes to these situations.

'hm now I just need to confess before Han comes over'


Renjun: I am going to confess here because I don't think I could do it in person because of what happened earlier. Please don't reply like always. I just need to get this weight off my shoulders.

Renjun: mark, you were my first crush. I loved the way you were mature and responsible, unlike earlier events, you were a very sweet hyung. I fell in love because you cared about me, and checked up on me to make sure I'm doing okay. I have always looked up to you, because you are who my parents would want as a son. You were very perfect, to the point I kind of got jealous. Lastly, I forgive you for whatever you did.

Renjun: haechan, whenever I feel down, you would always be there to cheer me up. The way your voice would calm me down easily, but it took me a while to figure out I liked you romantically and not as a best friend. Every time I look at you, I get lost in your visuals. I would always get mad when you talk shit about yourself because you are the best in my eyes.

Renjun: Jeno, when I first met you, you looked very cold so I tried to stay away from you. Even if I was trying to stay away, there was something that kept me thinking about you. I pushed those feelings aside till I found out you weren't scary at all. You're just a big puppy who clings onto their owner. The time I fell for you is when you tagged along with me when I couldn't sleep. I couldn't help but like you, you were so nice to me.

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