Cute (12)

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Sorry for keeping y'all waiting

Renjun looked up at his teammates, and noticed they were staring at him.

"lmao take a picture, it'll last longer."

They looked away and some of them coughed. The shorter finds it funny that they're flustered.

Everyone helped renjun clean up, and jeno noticed the sauce on the corner of renjun's mouth. He reached out and wiped it for the shorter. His eyes lingers on the smaller's lips until chenle snaps his fingers in front of him.

They finished cleaning, and settled down on haechan's bed ignoring the sunshine's protest.

Chenle and jisung sitting beside renjun and clinging on to him. Then it was Jaemin beside jisung, haechan, jeno, and Mark; in a circle so they could all fit.

"um renjun hyung?" jisung felt renjun become tense. The smaller knew what was going to happen; he's not stupid. The younger chinese sensed that renjun was uncomfortable, so he held his hand and gave it a little squeeze.

"please just listen, you don't have to say anything. We are sorry for the way we acted; It was childish and dumb. You had every right to walk away from us. We talked about it more, and noticed how selfish we were for getting upset at your request. It's okay if you needed space, we'll definitely give you space." jisung spoke.

The rest nodded and Chenle continued. "we are sorry that we completely just ignored your feelings, so we could be friends. We are the biggest jerks out there for hurting you, and you could take all the time you want; we won't push you to forgive us."

"yeah you guys were biggest jerks, just don't do that next time." renjun giggled and pulled them into a group hug.

Don't tell renjun, but the group found renjun to be extremely cute.

The dreamies hung out with renjun, and they decided to finish off the day with a horror movie. There were jump scares here and there, overall it was not that scary if you ask chenle; for renjun, it was a whole different case. The closet in the movie looked a lot like the one in renjun's room—it scared renjun even more.

After the movie was over, everyone got up and went straight to their room. Jaemin felt a tug on his shirt when he got up, he turned around and saw the shorter shaken up.

"hey, are you okay?"

"can I sleep with you? The closet in my room is scary."

The taller was surprised because renjun usually watches horror movies well. He smiled and nodded at renjun; then pulled him into his room.

Maknae of the group, who rooms with jaemin, was sincerely confused as to why renjun was in the room; after jaemin's explanation because renjun was too shy, Jisung teased the shorter.

"yah! It's a scary closet, why don't you try sleeping there."renjun defended himself.

Jisung laughed and went to bed.

"okay scaredy cat, time for you to go to sleep." jaemin gestured the shorter to his bed, and ignored the other's argument about why he's not a scaredy cat.

Renjun sighed, giving up the argument and got on jaemin's bed. He was trying to get comfortable, moving around for the right position, until he felt arms wrapped around him, and a voice telling him to stop moving so much. Renjun stopped, finding it comfortable and drifted to sleep.

Renjun stirred around, and woke up to a surreal veiw; jaemin with his muscular arms out in display, brushing his fingers through his bed hair.

"did you sleep well?"

"huh? Uh yeah."

The younger chuckled, unwrapped his arms from renjun, and got up.

"I need to shower and make breakfast, you could join if you want."

'what' renjun gave jaemin a weirded out face.

"get your head out of the gutter, and I meant breakfast, I'm making pancakes."

Renjun threw a pillow at the younger's face and agreed. The shorter grabbed a random hoodie from jaemin's closet and went to his washroom to wash up.

They headed to the kitchen together and started gathering the ingredients. The older was bored, so he took a pinch of flour and boopped the younger's nose. Jaemin was surprised, but he didn't want to lose to the shorter and flicked the flour on the shorter's face. That's how the kitchen became a mess, and why the members woke up.

"hey babe and renjun, what are you guys doing?" jeno gave jaemin a peck.

"morning nono, we're just making pancakes, but renjun was being mischievous." jaemin giggled.

Renjun just gave jeno a weak smile and walked away to clean himself up. He forgot about their relationship for a moment, and it still hurts knowing they don't like him. He greeted the other members in the living room, headed to his room, washed the flour off his face, and changed.

They all ate the pancakes, complimenting jaemin and renjun's cooking.

After finishing, they went to the practice room because of the summer comeback with everyone in nct. Renjun was excited to see yangyang, he means everyone, but specifically yangyang, who he claims to be his best friend.

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