I Don't Need Your Love (8)

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To think everything has gotten better was stupid of Renjun.

Sure—they're all friends with him now, but this reminds him why he fell in love with them; and them constantly showing affection towards eachother does not help. All it does is make Renjun wish he was in their relationship.

Honestly, Renjun scared that he's going to fall deeper for them. He just needed a little space from his teammates; especially when they have to start practicing soon because he will be with them all the time.

Maybe hanging out with Yangyang would make him forget about the dreamies for a day.

Renjun: Yangyang!!!

Yangyang: Rennie!!! What's up?

Renjun: get dressed, we are going to the mall in 10 minutes.

Yangyang: okok so at 1pm?

Renjun: mhmm

Renjun got out of his bed to take a quick shower. He then brushed his teeth and tried to fix his hair. His hair was still a mess so he stopped trying to style it, and wore a white headband hoping it'll make it look less of a mess.

He grabbed one of the outfits han has given him. He wore a blueish dress shirt with white stripes under a black t-shirt that says Paris in yellow, black pants with a black belt that hangs on the side, and yellow converse. He also added some silver dangling earrings, and rings.

He rarely styled himself like that, Infact he has never worn something like this. It felt nice to try on something new, and he liked the outfit. It's different from his simple t-shirts and jeans.

"oh f-fish fishy Mr. Fishy" he said trying to clean his vocabulary and because he was late—it is 1:15.

He grabbed his fanny pack filled with his phone and wallet. He rushed to yangyang dorm, and saw yangyang with a disappointed face.

"thanks for waiting." renjun said. He wanted to apologize, but he found himself apologizing for everything even if it's not his fault, and he wanted to change that.

Yangyang was supposed to be mad, but renjun pouted, which made him all soft. In his defense, who could be mad at renjun?

Yangyang is a very special person for renjun. When the dreamies started to ignore him, Yangyang was always there to support him along with wayv and nct127. He is so thankful to have these people in his life. If they were to have any trouble, renjun would definitely do anything to help them.

Yangyang wore a white sweater over a black t-shirt with black cargo pants, and white seekers.

If renjun wasn't so in love with dreamies, he would definitely drool over Yangyang. Being in love with yangyang wouldnt sound so bad if yangyang wasn't obviously pinning over hendery and xiaojun, and vice versa.

"Rennie?" Yangyang waved his hands in front of renjun causing him to snap out of his train of thoughts.

"oh yeah, let's go!!" renjun jumped up and down like an excited puppy.

Yangyang laughed at renjun's cuteness. How can an full grown adult be this adorable?

They walked to the mall and walked around for a while. They didn't find anything that caught their eyes, so they settled down in a café in the mall.

"how are you and your lovers doing?" renjun said with a hint of mischief.

"sadly they aren't my lovers yet. I don't know if they're finding the right time to ask me or if they're actually really dense." yangyang sighed.

"I expected y'all to be boyfriends by now, especially when you all like each other."

"I thought so too! But enough talk about me, how are you doing?"

"we are back to square one, and they're dating each other this time. It's getting exhausting watching them make out in front of me. At least they aren't ignoring my whole entire existence. Feelings were hurt, but hey! They're treating me like a human being."

Renjun couldnt help but roll his eyes at the way he was treated before.

"they don't deserve you. I can't believe you gave them another chance." yangyang said.

"you know what, you're right! I deserve better. They don't have room to fit me in their relationship anyway, why not just focus on myself. I don't need their love. " easier said than done.

Renjun is genuinely trying to get over his pathetic feelings towards them, for his sake.

It's not that hard if Renjun just think about the past—the way they yelled and hurt him. He knows it is toxic to think that way, but he'll do anything to get over them.

All he has to do is to stop feeling butterflies in his stomach whenever they be nice to him. Simply ignore all these feelings and he'll be fine.

Surprisingly it worked these past few days since he hung out with yangyang. He finds himself focused on his hobbies more than his teammates.

"hey injunnie? Do you want to watch a movie with me?" jaemin asked.

Renjun agreed and they played a comedic movie.

Jaemin found himself staring at Renjun than he was watching the movie. He couldn't help but think about Renjun and the way he looks happier and less stressed these days. He's happy that Renjun seems happier, but he wonders why.

In the middle of the movie, jaemin wrapped his arm around Renjun to cuddle him. Renjun didn't push him off because it didn't make him feel uncomfortable, infact, he didn't feel anything at all.

Renjun was glad because his feelings for them are going away.

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