Love Hurts (1)

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"I SWEAR IF YOU OPEN YOUR DAMN MOUTH ONE MORE TIME" renjun yelled as he stuck out his thumb, pointed it at himself and slid his hand from one side of his neck to the other.

The whole room went silent till doyoung coughed and said "it's fine to fall in love with your members"

"no it's not! Not when they are in love with each other. Hyung... im tired" after renjun whispered the last part, all the members of wayv and nct127 hugged him while he started sobbing.

"they're never going to reciprocate my feelings"

"renjun, you don't know that" said kun

"I can't help but feel that way because all they talk about is their crushes. Not one of them even mentioned me at all."

"I really hate how I'm like this because of some stupid boys I can't help but feel butterflies when they do anything."

"They really do deserve each other, they're just perfect for each other."

"i can't be greedy and ruin what they have."

"it's all my fault for feeling this way."

Everyone else didn't know what to say or comfort him. They continued to hug him tighter till renjun stops crying.

"thank you all for listening, I feel like everyone else has been ignoring me lately - by everyone, I mean the dreamies." renjun smiled at them.

"renjun, you're always welcome when you need someone to listen" Johnny reassured renjun. (I put wayv and nct127 in one dorm bc I'm lazy)

"I guess I'll go back to my dorm" renjun said while wiping his tears.

Renjun put on his yellow high top converse and headed out towards the elevator. He was wearing a oversized white t-shirt with black tight jeans. Simple yet he made it look like a masterpiece.

He pressed the 7th floor and pulled out his phone and texted haechan to open the door because he didn't bring his keys. As soon as he arrived he hears chenle laugh, the laugh he loved. 'I have never made him laugh like that before' renjun shook off the thought and made his way to his room.

Once he went to his room, he washed up and was about to take a nap and then he heard a knock.

"the door is unlocked!"

"yo bro are you good?"

"oh Mark, yeah why?"

"I don't know, Johnny texted me to ask if you were okay"

"hm yeah I'm okay?"

"ok uh, you can sleep now"

'I can't even hold a proper conversation with him, what's the point in liking them'

"arghhhh" renjun groaned into his pillow. "I FUCKING hate how they are constantly on my mind"

He couldn't sleep so he decided to make coffee. While making his way to the kitchen, he sees them watching a movie without him. 'hmm not even an invite'

Jaemin is curled up against Jeno who has his head on top of jaemin's head. Then renjun moved his eyes towards markhyuck. Hyuck is sitting on marks lap while chensung are on the floor holding hands.

"injuniee~ why are you up?" asked Jaemin.

"I couldn't sleep, so I'm going to uh go out"

'screw the kitchen, I'm going to buy a coffee instead'

"hmm okay, just come back before 12.30pm" said jeno.

"just go already" jisung said keeping his eyes on the screen. The rest chuckled at jisung comment.

"I- okay bye then" even if jisung was joking around, it still hurt. They way it seems like he doesn't care at all.

'I am fine I am fine I am... fine'

Renjun slipped his shoes on and grabbed a mask. He pulled out his phone, put on his airpods and played don't need your love.

He remembered when he actually had fun making the mv. Harvey was actually talking to him, and keeping him company. He missed that feeling, and he wanted to feel happy again.

He ordered an iced coffee because it was hot during the summer, and continued to walk back to the dorms.

The memories of the past kept on going in renjun's mind. He missed when everyone cared about him, and talked to him. When Mark used to always check up on him, now Johnny tells mark to check on him. When haechan and renjun had petty fights, now they don't talk. When Jeno tagged along with renjun when he couldn't sleep. When Jaemin cuddles him to sleep. When chenle asked renjun to teach him Korean, and when jisung had late night conversations with renjun.

"fuck I'm crying again."

Renjun calls taeyong "Hyung.... Can I stay at your dorm instead"

"baby yes,, I'll tell the rest and the door would be open for you"

"thanks Hyung"

Renjun texted the dreamies group chat

Renjun: I'll be at the hyungs' dorm

Renjun: I'm going to stay there for tonight

'it's not like I expected them to answer or anything' renjun sighed

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