All Together (13)

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The group headed towards the practice room to meet the others.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH RENJUN!" Yangyang screamed while running toward the shorter boy.

"GET BACK HERE YOU RAT." Ten spat trying to catch Yangyang.

"Whoa what's going on?" The eldest of dream spoke.

Turns out that Yangyang farted on Ten on purpose because he thought it was going to be the most hilarious thing; and this caused the 22 members excluding Ten to laugh.

Renjun turned to his side and spotted Shotaro giggling like a cute excited puppy who got a new toy. He then greeted the cute boy and sparked up a conversation. 

"Hey junnie look at me." The taller went behind a cardboard cut out of a TV, and popped out in the middle of the screen. This little action caused Renjun to take his phone out to capture this exact moment, and set it as his wallpaper. Both of the boys were called back to start stretching before learning the choreography for their 2020 'REASONNANCE' comeback. 

"You two seem close these days, I don't know if I should be jealous or proud that you're making new friends." Doyoung came up to them.

"Jealous, because it's me you're talking about. Besides you shouldn't be the one talking." Renjun points his finger at Doyoung then towards Taeyong. "you've been trying to gain Taeyong's attention instead of contacting me." With this said, it caused the elder to brush it off and walk away awkwardly flustered. 

After practice was over, everyone gathered up with their own little friend groups. "BESTTTT FRIENNDD! sometimes I wonder if you're my best friend or Shotaro's bestfriend." Maknae of Wayv whined and pouted. 

"And sometimes I wonder if you're just a big baby. Plus Shotaro is my other bestfriend — and before you say anything, I can definitely have more than one bestfriend."

The rest of the 00'line joined into this conversation. "Yeah I was Renjun's bestfriend before any of you." Jaemin smirked, knowing he won something. 

"Okay okay that's enough — Y'all might've known me longer, but Shotaro is my favorite." The shorter started clinging onto the cute boy, causing the rest to groan and roll their eyes.

"OH frickity frack firetruck! I lost my phone!" Hyuck screamed. 

"Damn scared me — here, take my phone." Renjun threw his phone towards the sunflower boy, who mumbled a quick thank you before calling his own number.

 Donghyuck did not miss the wallpaper the other had set into his phone. He can't describe his feelings in the moment, but he knows its unpleasant. 


LMAODBFFKS IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. This story is literally so bad 😭😭😭but ill continue it bc yall seem to like it sm.

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