I Wanted You To Want Me Too (9)

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Everything was back to normal, excluding the extra affection renjun has been given by his members.

In all honesty, it was starting to get annoying. If it were months ago, renjun would blush and get all shy from the hugs and kisses—now he just wants to punch every single person who touches him.

Call him moody all you want, but imagine having six full grown boys constantly touching you when you're eating, watching something, and sleeping. No matter how hard renjun tried to hide from them, they show up as if they had a tracking chip in renjun's head.

Renjun finds it weird that they're more touchy after he confessed his feelings—usually people would try to give him space after that. Which reminds him; does he even like them romantically anymore? Sure, they're extremely attractive, but did he even like them in the first place. Maybe he confused annoyance as jealousy —that might be right!

His feelings and thoughts are confusing, so he decided to divert his focus to whatever he's trying to bake at nct127/wayv's dorm. When he agreed to help Lucas bake, he was thinking of how fun it might be; now all he feel is stress. How can an adult not know how to start an oven? Ask Lucas.

As much as renjun hate to admit it, he's also having trouble with the oven and it's bottons. They gave up, threw away their pride, and searched it up.

After they put the cookies in the oven, they went to the living room to rest for a bit.

"when I asked you to join me, I thought you wouldve known how to bake." the taller said like he was shocked.

"what is that supposed to mean? Plus I was into drawing and playing outside than I was into cooking."

"I thought you were smart. I guess intelligence in school work doesn't help at all." Lucas playfully said.

Renjun shrugged his non existant broad shoulders. It's not like he was academically smart either, but he's not going to tell Lucas that. He was the type of kid to not know if they had homework. Not popular nor lonely, just someone in the middle.

In the other hand, Lucas was very popular. He had everyone crushing on him because of his visuals and personality. Renjun always wondered how it was like to be that popular in school.

"why does it smell like something is burnt." taeyong said when he entered the dorm.

"OH FUCK OUR COOKIES." Lucas screamed.

Renjun and Lucas ran to the oven. Thankfully the cookies were okay—a little crispy—but okay.

During that time, it seems like everyone including dream came through the door. They ate cookies, played games, and talked for a while.

They were going to watch a movie, so they found a spot to sit in front of the TV. Renjun saw dreamies coming towards him, so he sat between doyoung and Johnny. The dreamies were confused and some looked kind of disappointed, but they shrugged it off and sat down.

Renjun can't help but think about how sad jisung and jeno looked when he didn't want to sit with them. He feels guilty because a week ago he was crying about how they're ignoring him, but now he's doing the exact same thing.

"talk to them, they will understand. If they don't, then hang out with us instead." doyoung whispered to renjun.

"Thanks hyung, I will."

The dream members were walking back to their dorms. Renjun didn't feel like talking to them on the way so whenever they talk to him, he'll respond with a few words. The rest felt like something was bothering renjun, so they asked him about it to just be answered with "I'll tell you guys once we get to the dorms."

Renjun was figuring how he was going to tell them to give him some fucking space as nice as possible. At this point, he was scared how they are going to react. The dreamies were unpredictable, they could be fine with the news or they would make a whole fuss about the issue. He was praying they were going to be nice about it, and not be angry.

He jinxed himself.

They didn't take it the right way and complained about how they were trying so hard to fix things, but renjun wants them to back off for a little.

Renjun didnt blame them for feeling that way, but the way they were acting and saying to him are unreasonable. It's not his fault that he was uncomfortable. Heck, this made renjun mad. They were being childish in that moment.

"didn't you want us." haechan said with an annoyed tone.

"I don't know anymore." renjun blurted out.

"I wanted you guys to want me too, but you guys didn't. I guess I got tired of it so I stopped." renjun continued.

The rest visibly looked hurt, and renjun doesn't know why. It wasn't like they liked him. They should be happy that he is moving on, right?

"whatever." mark said.

No one said anything after that, making the whole atmosphere awkward.

"we'll give you space, but don't expect us to go back to whatever we were." haechan broke the silence.

"aren't you being too childish right now?" renjun said furiously.

"you won't understand, renjun." jaemin said. Jaemin called renjun, renjun and not injunnie. Renjun felt a pang in his chest—it's like things were going back where they were ignoring him.

"then make me understand, I don't get why it's so hard for you guys to communicate with me."

They stood up and tried to walk away from renjun.

"at least try to make me understand how you guys feel!" renjun yelled.

That made jeno turn around and pin renjun to the wall.

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