Kisses (11)

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"ah shit my head" renjun woke up and scanned the room. He was on haechan's bed, only wearing boxers under an oversized shirt.

'what happened?'

Then it hit him.

Last night his hyungs were about to confront dreamies, and renjun came along not knowing what's going on. They scolded them about their unacceptable behaviour. The scolding went on for hours.

"what the heck is wrong with you guys?" winwin spoke out.

"we are sorry, we are such idiots, and there's no excuse for our behaviour." mark apologized.

"you are apologizing to the wrong person. Do you understand how much it hurt me that renjun was feeling this way, especially when I thought everything was getting better." winwin said as his voice gradually becomes louder.

"Look, we know you guys are good kids, but how you're treating and making him feel is horrible. Even if you don't like him that way, at least acknowledge how he feels." taeyong softly said as of he wasn't about to punch them all 15 minutes ago.

"OH MY GOD HEY YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE MARK" renjun jumped on Mark, making him stumble before holding renjun.

"and you guys look so familiar." renjun pointed at dream.

"why do you guys look so sad? Injunnie hates seeing people sad." renjun frowned.

"Injunnie also hates being sad, so please cheer up!" he hopped off from mark's arms and gave everyone kisses.

"when Injunnie feels sad, he wishes for someone to give him kisses, and to tell him everything would be fine."

"but junnie is dumb, he loves these idiots who treated him horribly. When he needed space, they got very angry at him. He just doesn't want to fall deeper in love because they don't want Injunnie." renjun giggled.

"Hahaha junnie is dumb, right? I think Injunnie is dumb, sooooo sooo dumb. Haha dumbooooo." he slurred.

"Injunnie even tried to ignore his feelings. He tries so hard, I almost feel bad for him. I would hate for someone to pity me, so I won't pity Injunnie." renjun was starting to not make any sense due to the alcohol running in his system.

They all looked at renjun with sad eyes. Who in the right mind would even hurt this child? No one. The dreamies were just insane.

The hyungs were hesitant to leave renjun with dreamies, but they know that dream wouldnt purposely hurt renjun.

After that, renjun can't remember anything else.

"there goes my tough persona." renjun rolled his eyes.

He wondered why he was in haechan's room and not his own; not knowing that he begged haechan to cuddle with him.

Haechan knocked on the door, walked himself inside with Tylenol and a cup of water.

"hey, please take these. You'll feel better later." He handed the pills and water to renjun.

Renjun swallowed the pills and handed the cup back to haechan.

"how are you feeling?" haechan asked.

"not good, but about yesterday-"

"we can talk about that later. You should rest." haechan interrupted him.

Renjun nodded and haechan was about to leave. "haechan?"

Haechan turned around. "hm?"

Renjun nervously gulped and looked anywhere but at the tan male. "uh can you stay with me?"

"of course baby." haechan mentally slapped himself for slipping up. Renjun was shocked at the nickname, but brushed it off.

Renjun made room for him to lay on the bed. They ended up cuddling and stayed like that for a while.

"junnie, are you hungry yet?"

Renjun nodded his head. "but I'm way too comfortable to move." holding haechan tighter, making haechan coo at him.

"how about we call jaemin to cook something?" haechan suggested and pulled out his phone.

They called Jaemin to make food, so they can continue to cuddle. Jaemin was reluctant to make food, but after hearing it was for renjun, he ran to the grocery store faster than a cheatah.

Renjun felt warm that they're all doing this for him, but he can help but think that they were just pitying him.

"what are you thinking about? You have been zoning out." haechan mentioned.

"Nothing important. Just hungry I guess..."

Haechan knows that he's lying, but he doesn't want to make him uncomfortable, so he nodded.

Then jisung suddenly came into the room, scaring renjun causing him to fall on his butt.

"oh my god, are you okay?!" he panicked.

"yeah, my ass just hurts." jisung helped renjun up.

Everything was fine until renjun felt a hand groping his ass and yelped.

"Uhh jisung, what are you doing?" haechan asked

"he said his ass hurts. When your head hurts— you massage it— isn't that what we are supposed to do? " jisung said like it was nothing.

"no?? If I said my dick hurts, would you massage it?" renjun said with disbelief.


"what the heck. What if I said my asshole hurts? How are you going to massage that?!" renjun asked.

"why would your asshole hurt in the first place?" haechan smirked at renjun.

"Maybe I took a huge shit, dongfuck."

Laughter could be heard outside renjun's door. Haechan opened the door and saw the rest of the members.

"sorry to eavesdrop, but y'all were being so loud." mark said.

"that conversation was hilarious." chenle said in between laughs.

Renjun ignored their comments and grabbed the food that jaemin was holding.

"finally, I thought i was going to die of hunger."

"wait, to massage your asshole, don't you just stick fingers up and massage? " chenle said trying to figure out how it'll work.

"after a huge shit? I don't think so." mark answered him.

"yeah it'll just feel like shit going up his asshole."jeno said.

"can we stop talking about shit and ass when I'm eating." renjun deadpanned.

The members stopped talking an stared at renjun while he's eating.

Renjun is adorable when he is eating because he likes stuffing food in his cheeks.

'since when did renjun become this pretty' mark thought.

Everyone was admiring renjun's visuals.

They were thinking of talking to renjun and apologizing for their actions. To be honest, they did not know why they acted that way. Maybe they did not want renjun distancing himself from them, because they all know what happened when they distanced themselves from him.

As for now, they are going to enjoy this moment before ruining the atmosphere.

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