𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧'. [𝟏𝟐]

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(howdy ho! how do you do? long time no see. i hope your all just as excited for chapter 3 of bittersweet as i am! so, after a while of not making a new chapter, i thought: hey! why don't i make a sort of, non canon chapter where the listener/reader meets derek and they talk shit about each other? yeah. i'll do that. i'd also like to say that this whole chapter has no particular place. it's anywhere you want it to be honestly lol) 

-Your POV-

"Holy shit, you're Derek? Hahaha!"

I shoved my hands in my pockets as I chuckled, staring at the dark-haired man. "Yeah. That's me. Who the hell're you?" he tilted his head, crossing his arms and giving me a long stare. 

"Alphonse's partner and Seth's bestie. I've got some fucking beef with you, asshole." I spat at him. After what Seth had told me, and how beat up he'd gotten, I really wanted to kill this bastard. Seth looked like he hadn't only gotten physical fucked over by this guy, but mentally too. 

"Oooh? Alphonse and Seth, huh?" he let out a low chuckle and looked downwards, walking towards me slowly. "Seems we do got shit to deal with." He looked up, staring into my eyes with a semi-menacing smirk. The guy looked gross. Not only did his fashion sense suck, but so did he. 

"You smell like shit." I laughed, my head tilting back as he let out an angry grunt. I smiled as I cracked my knuckles. "You have no goddamn idea how much I want to beat the brains out of you, douchebag." he pushed his hair back a little, his expression becoming sort of stubborn, eyebrows furrowed. "I could say the same about you." he sighed.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore, his face was too damn irritating. I threw a hard punch, directly hitting his nose. "Fuck! Eugh!" he held his nose, backing up and looking at his blood covered hands. His nose was bleeding a fair amount just from a single punch. I didn't even know I was that strong till now, but I knew Derek would be maybe just a little stronger then me.

A wave of panic flew over me, my eyes growing a little wider realizing that I just punched a man who, well, beat the everloving shit out of Seth.

"You're gonna regret that, bitch."

I started running as I looked back every now and then, seeing him hold his nose with his two hands with the angriest face I'd ever seen in my entire life. "Come back here dammit!" 

I yanked my phone out my pocket, trying to use my phone as I was running, but getting a little bit slower. "Come on.. where is it.." I quietly said to myself as I scrolled through a list of names on my phone.

Finally finding Alphonse's number, I dialed it, still trying to run and looking back every now and then to see him running a lot slower. "Hey, what's up? Wait, why are you so out of breath? Where are you, boo?" he questioned as I tried to breathe at least a little bit slower. 

"Fuck..he's uh.. he's...he's after me Al."

"Who is? Who's after you?!"





"Huh? Babe?"


𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 // Alphonse x Reader x Seth \\Where stories live. Discover now