𝐆𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤.[5]

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- Your POV -

I continued to stomp harshly on the gas pedal, going way over the speed limit.

But I didn't care.

I had told Alphonse that I would be going back home, just to see something, but then he insisted on bringing Seth along. I really didn't like the idea of bringing that asshole to a place I used to call home, but, I didn't want to start an argument with Alphonse and having it end badly so I decided to let him tag along.

"JESUS JOLENE! SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!" Seth yelled, holding onto the seat. "For once, I actually agree with Seth, SLOW DOWN (Y/N)!" I snickered but didn't slow the car one bit. I took a sharp turn and Alphonse fell right onto Seth. They stared at each other for a second then Alphonse flung himself off of Seth. 

I did feel jealous. I mean, who wouldn't?! Your current..uh.. lover.. was on top of their ex and they just.. UGHHH! 

I drove faster until I saw the pale green house, 'the shithouse' as I'd call it. I stopped the car suddenly and jumped out of the car before Seth and Alphonse could even get their souls back into their bodies. I ran to the front door and looked through my pocket for the keys. When I found them I unlocked the door and slowly walked in and was instantly hit with nostalgia. "Holy shit.." I whispered as I walked around. 

It looked exactly like how it looked before I left. Actually, the TV was still on after god knows how many years. I walked to the kitchen and saw the chair that was thrown at me, still knocked over on the floor along with many glasses that were shattered. 

"What happened?" I heard Alphonse ask me from behind. "I.. My mom..she uh... we got in a fight." I responded as I walked to the hallway, dodging the glass scattered all over the floor. "I'm- I'm sorry.."  I heard Seth say. I stopped in my tracks and turned around and looked at him in the eyes. "No you aren't. Even if you were, I wouldn't want your pity." I responded as I looked forward and continued to walk towards the rooms. I looked at the door with a Mindless Self Indulgence poster on it and chuckled. "Wow (Y/N). Edgy much?" I said to myself as I opened the door.  

Right as I opened the door I regretted even coming here.

My bed was a mess, blankets and plushies everywhere. My desk was covered with unfinished math homework and sketchbooks with a few pages ripped out. I walked around my room and looked at my shelves and at my closet. About 99% of my closet was just dark clothing or meme shirts. I chuckled as I remembered my past, sleepovers, family visits, and when me and (b/f/n) would go to hot topic and nearly buy the whole store. I continued to walk around and then I found myself at my cork board.

Notes from teachers and friends telling me how strong I was, asking if I was okay and that they'd be there to comfort me or help me if I needed anything. "Well that was a lie." I said as I plucked a letter from the board, reading it and scowling. 

"They all lied to me. They all left me."

I said as I dropped the note on the floor and covered my eyes, not wanting to show my tears to Al and especially not Seth. "Hey! hey...hey.. (Y/N) what's wrong?" I sniffled and started to sob. "I-I don't hic want you to leave me too.." I removed my hands from my face and looked up at Alphonse with puffy eyes. "(Y/N). I'm not going to leave you. Ever. No matter what happens I'll always be here." he responded. I sighed and looked at Seth as I slowly walked to him. 'What the fuck am I doing.' I thought as I pulled his arm towards Alphonse and hugged both of them. 

"I uh-.. I love you both. Thanks for being there for me. Both of you."

𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 // Alphonse x Reader x Seth \\Where stories live. Discover now