𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤. [8]

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 Your POV -

I drove as quickly as I could, passing the speed limit by quite a bit. Alphonse had called me a few minutes ago, saying Seth had gotten hurt by some bastard. I parked in the driveway, jumping out and running to the front door.

"Oh! Hey babe, uh- glad I caught you before you got too cozy. And.. sorry for making you come back so soon." he said as he opened the door. I gave him a soft smile, "Don't worry about it. Is he.. Is he okay..?" I asked. "Yeah.. he's alright. Right over there," he pointed to the couch as I turned and looked at the couch. "He's passed out. I tried to keep him up in case he was concussed but-" I tried to run to him, wanting to wake him up and comfort him, but I was quickly grabbed by Alphonse's arms. "Woah, woah, hey! Hold on, hold on! Don't worry, he's okay. No sense In waking him up now, he'd just apologize some more. He was so sorry. He looked sorry too. He was lumped up pretty bad, so I tried to do what I could but uh.. I ain't no miracle worker."

I sighed, nodding as I realized he was right. It probably wouldn't be too good if I woke him up. "Alright, fine. But whenever he wakes up I'm asking what happened." I responded, sounding quite saddened. "It-...It was Derek." he said as he stared at Seth, a saddened expretion on his face now.

"That asshole.." I said. From what Seth and Alphonse had told me, Derek was a real dick. Every time they would talk about him they'd get all angry and I'd have to calm them down afterward. "The thing is.. I don't know if he was followed or not. So, Derek could be chasing after him now. I mean, after the damage he did to him already, I don't think he's finished." Alphonse responded as he put his face into his hands. "Fuck.." I sighed. I didn't want Seth to get hurt even more than he already was, especially by Derek. Every time they talked more about Derek, the more I wanted to kill him for the shit he did.

(Sorry for the shitty chapter, I'll be posting a better one soon about the recent Chapter on Youtube.)

𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 // Alphonse x Reader x Seth \\Where stories live. Discover now