𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞. [4]

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So this is the day after where you and Seth met up at the fire and talked about Alphonse and Seth and Al's past, there will be mentions of (b/f/n) in here but I would just like to clarify, (B/F/N) AIN'T DEAD-

- Your POV -

I laid down in my bed - more like Alphonse and I's bed - and stared at the ceiling. I felt bad. No. I felt a mix of emotions. I never told Seth my past, I just ran away right after screaming at him.

Sure, I hated Seth more than anything, but yesterday I felt bad seeing him cry. Seeing him cry because of me. I don't think Seth told Alphonse about our chat last night but I think that's for the best. I really didn't want Seth and Alphonse to get in a fight again.

I grabbed my phone from the side table and looked through my notifications. Pocket Camp, System updates due, 14 missed voicemails, 27 unread messages. Well shit.

I looked through the messages and voicemails, most of them were either from Seth, Alphonse, (b/f/n) or Finn. I sighed again and went through my camera roll, I wondered about all the weirdass stuff I had in there. As I scrolled through all my photos and videos, I spotted one in particular that caught my eye. It was me and (b/f/n), sitting on a roof and just staring at the sunset;

 It was me and (b/f/n), sitting on a roof and just staring at the sunset;

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I smiled, my eyes prickling with tears.

That was the day (b/f/n) had brought me out for a drive to clear my mind because they knew I was having a bad week.

That was the happiest day of my life.


I jumped and looked up, seeing Alphonse looking at me with a concerned face. "Al!" I quickly wiped my eyes and stifled a sob. "Hey..(Y/N).. Don't cry, what's wrong boo?" he asked as he looked down at my phone. "Oh..." he sighed and pat my shoulder. "I just.. I wish I could reverse time and go back.. with (b/f/n).." I said as I began to cry into Alphonse's shoulder. "Shh..shhhh..I know how you feel.. sometimes I wish I could reverse time too just to fix my mistakes or relive something."

"It's like a movie, really."

𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 // Alphonse x Reader x Seth \\Where stories live. Discover now