𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧' [15]

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- Your POV -

We stopped at the front of a small building. A building? It looked sort of like a garage of some sorts. I didn't really care though, either way it looked pretty damn sketchy. 

The cars loud engine had died down, all I could hear now was the faint sound of people chatting and laughing, along with the sound of bugs flying around. I looked out of the window, seeing that there were about 5 cars around us. Most of them semi-beaten up or just looking old and raggedy.

"Yeah..I thought they'd be here." Seth said, his voice dragging in an annoyed tone. I looked back down at my feet. "The same losers that jumped you huh?" Alphonse responded, sounding just as annoyed at Seth.

I felt bad for him. I remembered the night that Alphonse had gotten beaten up, both me and Al were worried about him. I knew I couldn't really do anything about it, considering I hadn't really been here since all of the crazy shit started happening within their lives. I wanted to though.

"Well, that's their truck. Looks like that's how they brought my bike over too." he looked over out the window, staring at the roughed-up truck parked near us. "Then they definitely know what's up with that little gift they for you too." Alphonse's eyebrows furrowed, his grip on the steering wheel becoming tighter. 

He sighed, looking back at the building. "Our answers are in there.. Hell, maybe even more than that." Seth let out a soft sigh too, "I'm ready. They're a bunch of idiots. 'Probably full of themselves thinkin' they actually beat my ass as if I didn't just let them." He smirked, leaning more towards me and Alphonse's seats.

"Yeah well they got somethin' coming that's for damn sure." Al looked at me, "Babe, this sucks but.. we're in it now. And I know you ain't no pushover, you haven't been shook at all but, this is real." he sighed. "This is..serious. So uh.." He leaned towards me, opening the glove compartment in front of me.

My eyes widened at little. A gun? Holy shit. I mean, it's Alphonse so at this point, nothing he did that would be considered shocking to other would even faze me. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much power having a gun would make me feel.

"If anybody rolls up on you, this is here. I hope it won't come to that, but, just flashin' a piece would scare most of these losers shitless anyways, so.." He looked up at me, a soft smirk on his face. "Put on your angry face and whip that strap out and they'll go runnin'."

I looked at him, trying to give my angriest, most menacing face I've ever shown anyone. Furrowing my eyebrows, making my mouth shift into a grimace. He let out a laugh, "Yeah, yeah just like that." I grinned, happy that I could (probably) scare the shit out of someone if needed. "God, remind me never to piss you off!"

We both sighed. "Alright. We'll be back before you know it." Al said as he opened his door, hopping out and closing it as he waited for Seth. "Sit tight, Sugar. And uh.. thank you." he smiled, opening his door and hopping out as well, closing his door and catching up with Alphonse.

I looked down at the glove compartment. What if it did come to that? What if someone really did want to come after me..? 

- Neutral/No one's POV -

Alphonse and Seth both stood at the door of the garage looking building, the small, barely working light at the door flickered continuously as the two sighed.

"Whew.. feels like old times, huh?" Seth said, assumingly trying to break the thick wall of tension between the two of them since their previous argument. "Is that supposed to be a good thing?" Alphonse spat back. Making Seth nearly shake in his boots. The poor man didn't know how to make this situation any better. I mean, they were about to fight a group of people, so how could you make it better, in all honesty?

𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 // Alphonse x Reader x Seth \\Where stories live. Discover now