i'm not dead i promise

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uhh so first of all i just want to apologize for not giving y'all a new chapter in a long time, i've just been really busy with school and procrastinating seems to be my favorite hobby as of recent. so here's just stuff i wanted to say;

1. i might make a new fic! either about kv va or yuurivoice so yeah stay tuned for that if you like this story!

2. thank you guys for 11.5k that is literally insane um ??????? ily guys so so much

3. i'll see if i have the time to work on a new chapter in a little bit! maybe even 2 chapters since i haven't written in a while and i feel bad lol

4. i'm working on a carrd for all of yous who might want to follow me on insta, twitter or anything else or just want to know more about me :D

5. yes that's a meme of charlie that i made and cannot forget about it's literally embedded into my brain please send help /j

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