𝐈 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝. [3]

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I ran. That's all I could think about doing and that's all I really could do. I ran even when I felt like I couldn't. I ran away from my problems. 

That's why I was running away from home. As soon as my mom found out I was dating my "best friend" she didn't want anything to do with me. I tried to argue but it just got violent, really quick. I left the house with a few bruises, and a bloody nose. I quickly grabbed my phone and called the only person I knew who would care. Finn.

I dialed him up and waited for him to pick up.

"Oh, hey (Y/n)! What's up?"

"Can you come pick me up..? I'm at the cafe." 

"Uh..yeah, sure. W-what happened?"

"They..they found out."

"Shit. I'm on my way, stay safe Kiddo."

He then hung up as I chuckled to myself. He always managed to make me laugh even if it wasn't intended. I always saw him as a brother more than anything, always there for me, called me "kiddo" even though he's only a year older than me, and he may look and be a softie but he can and will fight someone if needed.

A few minutes passed and a car pulled up at the cafe. Finn stepped out and ran towards me, staring into my eyes. He gave a sad smile and opened his arms, which looked incredibly inviting right now. I leaned into his arms and he wrapped his arms around me as I cried into his chest. I felt him sigh and pat my head gently. "We should get going. You need to get cleaned up." I pulled away and stepped into his car. I buckled my seat belt and looked out the window.

"You can live with me until you can afford an apartment. I don't mind." Finn said as he kept on driving. "Thanks Finn. Honestly I have no fuckin' idea what I'd do without you at times like this." I chuckled as I leaned back into the seat, crossing my arms and looking out of the windshield now.

I looked down at my phone and messaged my dad,

Sorry. I'm.. I'm sorry.

Hm? What happened (Y/n)? Did (M/n) get angry again? Are you okay? 

I sighed. I really wasn't okay if I didn't make that fucking clear enough.

Remember (b/f/n)? 

Of course I do, they always came over for lunch after school. Why?

Well we were dating at one point and mom found out. This is a really shitty way of me telling you I'm bisexual but yeah.

Language!! Also kiddo I already knew. You made it pretty obvious with the way you talked to (b/f/n). I still love you and I always will.

Dad.. Thank you.. You better stop before you make me cry again. I'm not trying to dry my eyes out tonight.

Alright, alright. But You know you can always come visit me if you ever need anything okay? Is Finn with you?

Yeah he is. He's driving me to his house to get me cleaned up.

Cleaned up? Awh kid.. You see this is why I moved away from your mother.

Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I've gotta go now. I think we're here.

See ya. 

Later pops.♡

I looked up and Finn was already unbuckling so I did the same, hopping out of the car. He gave a sad smile and walked into his apartment with me. As he opened the door... I wasn't in his apartment.. I was standing up in front of a fire, Seth sitting down and staring right at me, face full of anger.

"And you've got the balls to come up here, HERE, and what? Act like you understand what I went throu-"


𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 // Alphonse x Reader x Seth \\Where stories live. Discover now