yo. you!

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Hey, howdy.

So, assuming you like the Bittersweet series, and Yuurivoice in general, you should go check out the official Zine site to get yourself the new Zine!

"But Ezra, dear writer boy, what is a zine?"

Oh beloved reader, a zine is short for magazine! The "A Dance With Dreams" Zine is basically a showcase of absolutely amazing art made by many contributors! Now, I'm not one for talking about things you should personally do, BUT.. this is an exception.

I've just bought myself the 25$ physical copy of the zine, and if you have any of your dear money to spare, I recommend buying one for yourself or for a friend! If you'd rather have a digital copy than you can also get one at the store (which I will link), if you don't want to get your lovely book scratched or damaged up by any animals you may or may not have. 

So, I just wanted to make this "chapter" to tell all of you that haven't had the pleasure of viewing the live that just went on a couple minutes ago, that you should go check out .... 


(apologies if it doesn't pop up as an actual link, just put that into your search bar and that amazing website should show up!)

"But EzRa... why should i get the zine?"

You see, friend, because ...

1: this zine is a contribution to the Trevor Project! The money you send goes to a good cause. (if you don't know what the Trevor Project is I recommend you to do some research on it! Sorry but I just wanted to make this a short announcement and don't want to get too deep into things.)

2: Many, many people worked hard on the art for this zine! Cosplayers, crafters, artists, you name it! Buying the zine is like giving a hug to the people who contributed and telling them "thank you for your amazing work! you're awesome at what you do!", and it's just overall showing not only Yuuri, but Thooluu, Thia and many others who helped make this zine that you really enjoy their content and what they do.


"But..I have no money, oh dear Ezra.."

Yo! That's completely alright! If you can't afford to buy the Zine, or just happen to not have enough money at the moment, than it's okay. Don't think that you aren't a good or official fan if you don't buy the Zine! Don't worry about it. Fun fact: I had to save up money over these past few months to be able to afford it. I got super worried that I wouldn't have enough money for it so I started panicking. But then I remembered that even if i wasn't able to get it, it wasn't that big of a deal. 

If you aren't able to get the zine, whether it be because of money, your parents won't let you buy it, you aren't in the right place physically to buy it or you just don't want to, that's all okay! Please don't feel overwhelmed if you can't buy it. You're still a big part of the Yuurivoice fandom!

So, if you're able to, go get yourself a zine babeyy!! :D

𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 // Alphonse x Reader x Seth \\Where stories live. Discover now