𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧! [6]

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so,, this is continuing off of the last chapter for once lmao

- Your POV - 

As I hugged them both I started laughing, this was so stupid of me. I mean, the first time I saw Seth's face I hated him more than anything. and what am I doing now? I'm hugging him.

Seth and Alphonse opened their eyes and both of their eyebrows furrowed in confusion. They spared a quick glance towards each other and then they looked back at me, expecting an answer. 

"Seth, the first time I saw you I wanted to punch you in the face so goddamn bad. Just hearing your voice pissed me off so much." I paused, "But here I am now, hugging you and crying in front of you. Something I rarely do to anyone other than Alphonse or Finn." I laughed a little again. "Maybe I don't hate you, Seth."

Seth stayed quiet for a little while until he opened his mouth to speak. "I..I don't hate you either." he spoke. I smiled and looked at him, then at Alphonse. I pulled back into both of them and hugged them once again. Well, that was until my phone started ringing.

"Hey, Finn, what's up?"

"Hey (Y/N). Would you mind coming to my apartment real quick?"

"Uhh sure..? Why?"

"I need help with something.."

I could tell something was bothering him so I sighed and agreed to go see him. 

"But uh.. is it okay if I bring 2 people along?"

"Can they keep secrets or help?"

"I mean.. yeah. I trust them with everything so I think they're fine." I chuckled.

"Hm, alright then- whatever! Just come over quick. You owe me one, remember?"

"Ah, yeah. The saving me from my house n' shit. Fair enough man."

I grabbed a few things from my old room and shoved them in my bag, as memories of course. Since I most likely wouldn't come back here again. I slammed the front door and dragged Seth and Alphonse out of the house and into the car as I drove out of the driveway, saying goodbye to the house. 

I turned on the radio and turned on one of my favorite songs.

"This is a love song for a girl, who'll never know it's about her," I sang as I continued to drive back to the downtown road, where Finn's apartment was.

 "Know it's pretty stupid, but I'm much too shy to tell her," Seth sung back. I smiled as Seth chuckled. "She's beaming that smile, all the while I'm all tripped up on my own throat, I guess there is no hope," Alphonse also sang as we all began to sing together. 

"When you're walking out in the snow, I say I guess I, should go, and we're talking about someone else, when we should be talking about ourselves." we all sang together as I parked into Finn's driveway. Damn, time passed when you have fun. I guess that saying really is true.

We all hopped out of the car and we walked up the stairs to his apartment, knocking on his door as we reached it. The door opened quickly and we were quickly pulled inside, Finn looking distressed like never before. "Jesus Finn, you good?" I asked as I held his shoulder.

"N-no.. let me just put it shortly, there's this person who comes to my workplace almost every day and they're so cute, I'm just not sure if they like me and you know how bad I am at making the first move (Y/N)!! What do I do?!" I nodded and thought for a second, what the hell should he do? I was just as bad as romance as he was.

"Alright, first of all, calm down. No reason to stress over it. Just uhh, invite them to the movies or something! And gives them a free pack of flowers, tell them facts about flowers..?" I said, sounding very unsure about everything I was saying. "That's... that's actually not a bad idea (Y/N)! Thank you!" he answered as he smiled, hugging me soon after. "No problem!" I said as I hugged him back.

"Oh, right. This is Seth,"  I said as I pointed to him. They smiled at each other and nodded, "and this is Alphonse." I said as I pointed at him, both of them doing the same. 

"So is that all you needed?" I asked. "Yeah, pretty much. I was just really stressing over it, so once again, thank you. Talk to you later (Y/N)!" We smiled at each other, waving as Seth, Alphonse and I left and made our way back into the car.

𝐌𝐈𝐗𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 // Alphonse x Reader x Seth \\Where stories live. Discover now